National Survey of Family Growth

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – M Listing

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – M Listing


Marriage and cohabitation (opposite-sex spouses and partners)

Ever married

Percentage of women and men 15-49 years of age who have ever been married to a person of the opposite sex:

M Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
Women 53.6 (1.26) 50.7 (1.14)
Men 47.5 (1.65) 46.8 (1.61)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Current marital or cohabiting status

Percent distribution of women and men 15-49 years of age by current marital or cohabiting status with regard to opposite-sex spouses or partners:

M Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
 Currently Married 40.2 (1.16) 39.5 (1.64) 38.9 (1.03) 38.9 (1.45)
            Married for the 1st time        33.7 (1.10)      33.6 (1.45)        33.6 (1.05)   32.2 (1.24)
            Married for the 2nd time or more           6.5 (0.63)       5.9 (0.83)           5.3 (0.45)       6.7 (0.66)
Cohabiting 13.2 (0.89) 11.9 (0.83) 13.9 (0.72) 12.0 (0.79)
Never married, not cohabiting 36.2 (1.38) 43.2 (1.37) 38.5 (1.11) 43.8 (1.66)
Formerly married, not cohabiting 10.4 (0.70)    5.3 (0.40) 8.6 (0.51)    5.4 (0.45)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Probability of first marriage

Probability of first marriage to an opposite-sex spouse among women and men 18-49 years of age before reaching specified age:

M Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
Age 18   3 (0.01)    1 (0.00)   2 (0.00)    1 (0.00)
Age 20 11 (0.01)    3 (0.00) 8 (0.01)    4 (0.01)
Age 25 39 (0.02) 25 (0.02) 34 (0.01) 24 (0.02)
Age 30 62 (0.02) 51 (0.02) 56 (0.01) 50 (0.01)
Age 35 73 (0.02) 68 (0.02) 71 (0.01) 66 (0.01)
Age 40 79 (0.02) 76 (0.02) 76 (0.01) 75 (0.01)

Note: Duration until first marriage or censoring at interview was calculated using century month dates (available on restricted-use files).

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Menarche (age at first menstrual period)

M Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Age in years (SE)
Mean age at first menstrual period among women 15-49 years of age 12.5 years (0.05) 12.4 years (0.03)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS