National Survey of Family Growth

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – H Listing

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – H Listing

HIV testing

Percentage of men and women 15-49 years of age who have ever had an HIV test, not counting blood donation:

C Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
Ever tested 
61.6 (1.74)
46.0 (1.61)
61.4 (1.29)
45.4 (1.19)
Tested in last 12 months
24.4 (1.08)
15.5 (0.90)
20.7 (1.13)
12.9 (0.74)

Note: Based on the EVHIVTST recode and month/year of most recent HIV test, however the percentages for women also include HIV testing during pregnancy, which was not included in the construction of EVHIVTST.

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS