Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data

Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data

Data Source

NHDS – Injury Summary

Medical information about discharges includes up to seven diagnoses and up to four surgical and nonsurgical operations and procedures. Medical data are coded to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Basic demographic information is also included for patients discharged. Medical cost information is not collected in this survey.

Injury data can be analyzed using principal or first-listed diagnosis codes or all diagnosis codes listed. The State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association (STIPDA) has developed Consensus Recommendations for Using Hospital Discharge Data for Injury Surveillance [PDF – 150 KB].



Public-use Data

Downloadable data files

Public-use microdata files are provided in ASCII format that requires the use of statistical software packages such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, etc. Individual-year public-use data files and documentation are available for download. More information is available at the National Hospital Discharge Survey website.

Tools and Frameworks

Links to Other Hospital Data