Injury ICE Steering Committee 2016

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is charged with guiding the functioning of the Injury ICE, particularly as related to the composition of the ICE, its structure, meeting planning and general oversight. Brief biographic sketches of the Steering Committee members are provided below.

Ronan A Lyons
Ronan Lyons chairs the International Collaborative Effort (ICE) on Injury Statistics. Dr. Lyons is Professor of Public Health at Swansea University, a public health physician with a background in clinical and emergency medicine in Ireland and Wales. He has more than 20 years of experience in injury surveillance, epidemiology and prevention. His main research interests are in the quantification of the burden of injuries as an essential prerequisite to developing appropriate policy responses, and in the use of linked data to monitor, target and evaluate interventions. He has led a number of national and international large scale observational and interventional studies. He is a member of the Global Burden of Diseases Injury Expert Group, co-Director of the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) system ( and Director of the Farr Institute Centre at Swansea (

Kidist Bartolomeos
Kidist Bartolomeos is an editor of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. She has a BA in Biostatistics from University of Minnesota and MPH from Emory University. In 2000, she was awarded an international fellowship from the CDC foundation and joined WHO as an Injury Surveillance Fellow. Before joining WHO, she was a fellow of the Association for Schools of Public Health, at CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control and after worked as a Research Director of a Firearm Injury Surveillance Project at Emory Center for Injury Control.  For 15 years, she worked at the WHO, Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability, where she was responsible for global injury data/surveillance activities and providing technical support to WHO member states. She was the project manager for the 5-year Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Program, for Kenya and Egypt. She was a co-editor of the World Report on Child Injury Prevention and a statistician for the first WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety.

Belinda Gabbe
Professor Belinda Gabbe is an injury epidemiologist and biostatistician. She is the Head of the Prehospital, Emergency and Trauma research unit at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. A qualified physiotherapist, she has also completed a Grad Dip Biostat, M Biostat, M App Sc (Research) and a PhD.  Her research focuses on improving trauma care delivery, trauma systems development, and validating and improving methods for measuring the burden of injury.  She has published extensively in the trauma field with a particular focus on the long term outcomes of non-fatal injury.  Currently, she is leading an ICE and Global Burden of Diseases Injury Expert Group (GBD-IEG) initiated, international collaborative project validating the Global Burden of Disease Study methods for estimating non-fatal injury burden.  She co-facilitates the Disability Metrics Group of ICE and is a core member of the GBD-IEG.

James Harrison
James Harrison is an injury epidemiologist and public health physician. He is a Professor at Flinders University, where he directs the Research Centre for Injury Studies and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s National Injury Surveillance Unit. He holds a degree in medicine from Melbourne University, a Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney and is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine. Much of his research is on methods and infrastructure for public health surveillance and research, including classifications. His publications deal with aspects of injury including transport safety, the safety of Indigenous Australians, self-harm, alcohol and injury, occupational safety, sports injury and the safety of health care. He is a member of the WHO Revision Steering Group for the International Classification of Diseases, with responsibility for injury and external causes, and co-leads the Injury Expert Group in the Global Burden of Diseases 2010 project.

Holly Hedegaard
Holly Hedegaard is an injury epidemiologist and public health physician at the National Center for Health Statistics. Dr. Hedegaard received her medical degree from the University of Colorado and trained in both surgery and preventive medicine. She has nearly 20 years of experience in injury epidemiology, surveillance methodology, and evaluation of emergency medical services and trauma systems. She is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Colorado and serves on the Executive Committee of the Safe States Alliance.  Dr. Hedegaard has worked extensively with the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Violent Death Reporting System, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Emergency Medical Services Information System and the National Trauma Data Bank. These collaborations have led to the development and enhancement of surveillance systems for traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle traffic safety, child abuse, homicides, suicides and the delivery of emergency and trauma care in the U.S.

Yvette Holder
Mrs. Holder has been a practicing biostatistician for the past thirty-four years, and an injury epidemiologist for the past twenty-five, having worked with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/NCIPC), and now as an international consultant. She was the lead author of the WHO Injury Surveillance Guidelines and of the Manual for Coordinated Violence & Injury Surveillance in the Eastern Caribbean, of a chapter in the WHO Manual promoting helmet use, co-author of the Poisoning Chapter of the WHO Child Injury Report, and has been involved in the development of the International Classification of External Cause of Injuries (ICECI), especially the violence module. In addition, she has worked in the design, establishment, monitoring and/or evaluation of injury surveillance systems globally.

Richard Matzopoulos
Richard Matzopoulos is an epidemiologist and specialist scientist at the Medical Research Council of South Africa’s Burden of Disease Research Unit. He is also an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Cape Town’s School of Public Health and Family Medicine and Chairs the Injury Prevention Working Group, a transversal structure within the Western Cape Government that seeks to reduce the burden of injury in the province by focusing on interventions that targeting upstream determinants. Surveillance activities related to this working group include the institutionalization of an all-cause injury mortality surveillance system throughout the province and the development of a trauma unit-based non-fatal-injury surveillance system. Prevention activities have centered on policy and interventions relating to alcohol abuse and long-term intersectoral engagement to address more distal causes of violence and injuries.

Kirsten Vallmuur
Kirsten Vallmuur is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q), a road safety and injury prevention research centre based at the Queensland University of Technology. Before joining CARRS-Q, Kirsten was a Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the National Centre for Health Information and Training, a key collaborating centre involved in the development, training and evaluation of ICD coded data internationally. Kirsten has a PhD in Psychology, and expertise in the evaluation and analysis of the quality of coded injury data and data linkage, especially morbidity and mortality data. Her research focuses particularly on the quality of injury surveillance data for child and youth issues, including consumer product-related injuries, child maltreatment, alcohol-related injury surveillance, and child mortality data. She is a member of the ICD-11 revision for the injury and external cause chapters, an editorial board member for Injury Prevention, and an executive committee member of the Australian Injury Prevention Network, as well as providing consultancy advice to several State and National government departments in the area of injury surveillance data quality.