Agenda for ICE on Injury Statistics

Agenda for ICE on Injury Statistics

Friday, September 8: 8:00 a.m.-5:15 p.m.

Hyatt Regency Hotel
Washington, DC
September 7-8, 2006

8:00: Coffee

8:30: Introduction and Follow up from Thursday, September 7

  • Lois Fingerhut, Chairperson

8:45: Non-Fatal Injury Surveillance

10:30: Break

10:45: Non-Fatal Injury Surveillance (continued)

12:30: Lunch

1:45: Discussion

2:15: Non-Fatal Injury Surveillance (continued)

2:30: ICD-11 Developments

4:00: Break

4:15: Future of the ICE on Injury

5:15: Closing

  • Lois Fingerhut