Agenda for June 1999 Meeting of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics

Agenda for June 1999 Meeting of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics

Holiday Inn, Georgetown
2101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20007
Telephone 202-338-4600
June 2nd – 3rd, 1999

Wednesday, June 2

7:30-8:15 Registration

8:15-8:45 Introductions and Welcome

Edward J. Sondik, Director, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), US

Lois Fingerhut, Chair, ICE on Injury Statistics, NCHS, US

8:45-9:45 Keynote: Determining priorities for injury surveillance

John Langley, University of Otago, New Zealand

  • The talk will identify priorities and key issues in injury surveillance from an international perspective, including international comparisons, development of coronial databases and nonfatal injury indicators, classification systems and narratives, and linkage of data sets.

9:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:00 International Classification of External Causes of Injury (ICECI)
  • Introduction to ICECI
    Wim Rogmans, Consumer Safety Institute, The Netherlands
  • Progress report on the ICECI
    Saakje Mulder Consumer Safety Institute, The Netherlands
  • Derivative tools for surveillance: short version of ICECI
    Lee Annest, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, US
  • View of WHO on ICECI as supplementary data set, complementary to ICD
    Andre L’Hours, WHO, Geneva

11:00-11:15 WHO health behavior of school-aged children

Mary Overpeck, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US
Will Pickett, Canada

  • Canada and the US have developed activity codes for use with injury data from their nationally representative school-based studies of adolescents for the WHO project. Conceptual and practical issues that arose while assigning the activity codes to the ICECI injury mechanisms will be described.

11:15-12:00 Minimum Data Set for Injury Monitoring

Johan Lund, Norwegian Safety Forum, Norway
Susan Mackenzie, Health Canada, Canada
Yvette Holder, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, US

  • Background and model, using experiences from Norway, Syria, Canada and the Caribbean, including a discussion of the congruence with minimum data sets for other specialized injury surveillance systems (e.g. neurotrauma and poisonings).

12:00-12:30 Open Discussion

12:30-1:30 Break for lunch

1:30-2:15 Mortality registration and classification questionnaire results

Cleone Rooney, Office of National Statistics, England

  • The ICE Questionnaire (completed for 20 countries) aims to define and clarify methods and terms used in calculation of injury death rates in participating countries (including data capture, inclusion/exclusion criteria and population information). The presentation will focus on the practical implications of the answers given for interpreting the international comparisons of death rates. We will also try to identify ways of producing injury death rates which are more comparable, using information which is already collected (e.g. manner of death and free text fields) but not used in routine publications.

2:15-3:00 Transitioning to ICD-10 and ICD-10 CM

Ken Kochanek, NCHS, US
Harry Rosenberg, NCHS, US
Donna Pickett, NCHS, US

  • The purpose of the presentation is to identify the principal differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10 in the processing and presentation of injury data for mortality. The emphasis will be on changes in classification, changes in coding rules, evaluation of the standard certificate of death and comparability studies.
  • The ICD-10 CM portion of the presentation will highlight the modifications made to the injury and external cause chapters. The expansions include six digit codes, the addition of laterality, and greater specificity in open wound and superficial wounds in the injury chapter and 4th and fifth digit expansions to the external cause codes. The increased detail is designed to facilitate injury data reporting and analysis.

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-3:45 International Occupational Injury Mortality Comparisons

Anne-Marie Feyer, University of Otago, New Zealand
Ann Williamson, University of South Wales, Australia
Nancy Stout, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, US
Tim Driscoll, National Occupational Safety and Health Commission, Australia

  • Background and results of a project which compared the national data sets of work-related fatalities from three countries, the US, Australia and New Zealand.

3:45-4:45 Automated Software for mortality coding

Donna Glenn, NCHS, US

  • Many countries are using automated software to code mortality statistics
  • What are the implications for injury data?

4:45-5:30 Open Discussion

7:00- ICE Breaker – A time to unwind…..
  • Home of Lois Fingerhut. See enclosed directions.

Thursday, June 3

8:30- 9:15 Open Discussion

9:15-10:30 Overview of morbidity issues

Branko Kopjar, National Institute of Public Health, Norway

  • Injury diagnosis morbidity matrix
    Ellen MacKenzie, Johns Hopkins University, US
    Howard Champion, University of Maryland, US
  • The importance of and approaches to coding and presenting multiple injuries.
    Vita Barell, Ministry of Health, Israel
    Matrices of body part by diagnosis based on the standard ICD-9 CM diagnostic codes; data will be presented from Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and the US. Injury diagnoses below ICD 800 as well as ‘V’ codes will be discussed in the context of the implications in excluding them from the matrix.

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:15 Morbidity classification (Hospitalization) and questionnaire development

Pnina Zadka, Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel

  • The presentation will focus on the development and pre-test of the questionnaire that aims to define and clarify methods and terms used in the calculation of morbidity rates (including data capture and population information).

11:15-12:15 Multiple cause of death and Injury

Chris Cox, NCHS, US
Gordon Smith, The Johns Hopkins University, US

  • What injuries result from external causes of death?
  • How can multiple cause of death data be used to further identify injuries that are not captured by the underlying cause of death?

12:15-1:30 Break for lunch

1:30-2:00 ICD-9 CM codes and the definition of injury

Donna Pickett, NCHS, US

  • The talk will focus on identifying injuries in ICD-9 CM that are outside the range of Chapter 17, Injury and Poisoning (800-999). The inclusion of these conditions will be discussed as a means of improving injury data.

2:00-2:30 EURORISC- Partnering with ICE On Injury

David Stone, Scotland
Anita Morrison, Scotland

  • EURORISC (European Review of Injury Surveillance and Control) is a three year concerted action funded by the European Commission. We will give an update of its progress, present some key findings and suggest areas for possible future partnership with ICE.

2:30-2:45 The community action program on injury prevention: the new approach on epidemiological monitoring of injuries at European Union level

Bernard LeGoff Administrator, European Commission

2:45-3:15 WHO World Report on Violence

Etienne Krug, WHO, Geneva

  • International epidemiological data on fatal and non-fatal violence, including recommendations for future action toward prevention. The presentation will be followed by a discussion of possible collaboration of ICE members in this project.

3:15-3:30 Break

3:30-4:00 5th World Injury Conference, March 2000

Dinesh Mohan, New Delhi, India

4:00-4:30 General discussion

4:30-5:00 Concluding remarks

Lois Fingerhut, NCHS, US