Agenda for June 2005 Meeting of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics

Agenda for June 2005 Meeting of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics

Cuernavaca, Mexico
June 1-2, 2005

Wednesday, June 1: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

8:30-8:45: Coffee and registration

8:45-9:30: Welcome and Introduction

ICE Project updates from ICE ‘regulars’

9:30: International Classification of External Causes of Injury (ICECI)

9:45: NEISS-All Injury Program

10:00: Indicators

10:15: Break

10:30: Occupational Injury
  • Facilitator: Nancy Stout, USA

10:45: Hospitalization Data

11:00: WHO Update

11:15: Selecting A Main Injury (Mortality)

11:30: ICE Web Pages

11:45: Overview of ICE-Related Surveillance Activities

12:00: Lunch

1:30: Injury Information Systems in Mexico, Advances and Challenges

2:15: Mortality Data Collection and Public Hospitalization data in Brazil

2:30: The Impact of Firearm Injury in Brazil

2:45: Discussion

3:15: Break

3:30: Report of April Workshop Evaluating PAHO and CDC’s Role with Ministry of Health Hospitals

3:30: Injury Surveillance Work in Nicaragua

4:00: Application of Surveillance Systems in Mortality Data and Domestic Violence, ICECI in Colombia

4:30: Discussion

5:30: Adjourn for day

Thursday, June 2: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

8:30: Opening Remarks
  • Facilitator: Lois Fingerhut, USA

8:45: Strengthening Violence and Injury Surveillance in Eastern Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities

9:00: Jamaican Injury Surveillance System

9:15: Organizing A Pilot Project on Violent Injury Surveillance: Opportunities and Obstacles

9:30: Discussion

10:15: Break

10:30: The National Injury Mortality Surveillance System: An Overview of Fatal Injury Surveillance in South Africa

10:45: Injury Surveillance Efforts in the Africa Region Supported by WHO

11:00: From Provincial to National: The Development of Thailand Injury Surveillance

11:15 Discussion

12:30: Lunch

2:00: External Cause of Morbidity and Mortality in Chile

2:15: Overview of Injury Mortality in Argentina

2:30: Pediatric Trauma Program: Pediatric Trauma Registry and Information Systems for Epidemiology and Surveillance

2:45: Developing a National Injury Surveillance System

3:00: Discussion

3:30: Break

3:45: New technology…

4:15: Closing Discussion: The road from here …

5:30: Adjourn for day