Federal Statistical System: Coordination and Advisory Groups

At a glance

  • The U.S. Federal Statistical System includes the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy and Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology.
  • The Committee on National Statistics—which advises the Federal Statistical System—is part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
  • Learn more about these groups on this page.


Several groups help coordinate, support, and advise the U.S. Federal Statistical System. These groups include—

Interagency Council on Statistical Policy

The Chief Statistician of the United States leads the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP). The council includes—

  • The statistical officials from each major cabinet department or agency
  • The heads of the 13 principal statistical agencies and 3 recognized statistical units

In some cabinet departments, the statistical official is also the director of a statistical agency within the department. The NCHS director serves as the HHS statistical official and fills both roles on the ICSP.

ICSP advances the statistical system's goal to operate seamlessly with strategic vision and robust implementation of the system's role in evidence-based decision-making.


  • Coordinates statistical work across organizations
  • Enables the exchange of information about organization programs and activities
  • Advises and counsels OMB on statistical activities
  • Advances improvements in data access and expansion of evaluation capacity to support evidence-based decision-making

Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology

The Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) is an interagency group dedicated to improving the quality of federal statistics. The Chief Statistician appoints the FCSM chair. FCSM members are career federal employees selected by OMB based on their individual expertise and interest in statistical methods.


  • Informs and advises OMB and ICSP on methodological and statistical issues that affect the quality of federal data
  • Compiles, assesses, and disseminates information on statistical or survey methods and practices for federal statistical agencies
  • Provides recommendations on issues of statistical methodology
  • Provides a forum for statisticians in different federal agencies to discuss issues affecting federal statistical programs
  • Promotes and supports cooperative research across agencies on issues relevant to federal statistics

Committee on National Statistics

The Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) provides advice to the federal government and the nation. This advice is based on the current best scientific knowledge and practice of statistics and related fields. The advice is intended to help improve statistical methods and information that guides public policy.

CNSTAT seeks to—

  • Advance the quality of statistical information
  • Contribute to the statistical policies and coordinating activities of the federal government
  • Help provide a forward-looking vision for the federal statistical system and national statistics more broadly in service of the public good

CNSTAT publishes Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency to—

  • Support the invaluable role that relevant, timely, accurate, and trustworthy government statistics play in a democratic system of government
  • Provide support and guidance to the federal agencies that produce those statistics

CNSTAT is part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.