Toolkit to Promote Clear Writing

Clear writing makes it easier for your audiences to read, understand, and use your messages. Use this toolkit to promote and improve clear writing in your organization. This toolkit contains three sections: 1) talking points to help you advocate for clear writing, 2) campaign materials to teach your employees best practices, and 3) free resources that you can recommend.

1. Clear Writing Talking Points

Learn some easy-to-remember talking points so that you can advocate for clear writing in your organization.

Health literacy is a problem — and it’s serious

Only 12% of adults have the skills needed to understand health information routinely available in health care facilities, retail outlets, and the media.

People with poor health are 5 times more likely to have below basic health literacy skills than people with good health.


More than 1 in 2 adults can’t use a BMI graph to
find their healthy weight, read a vaccination chart, or understand a drug label.

Environmental health information can be even more difficult to understand because it includes:

✔ Complicated scientific jargon

✔ Difficult numbers and unfamiliar units

✔ Tricky concepts like exposure pathways, hazards, and substances

Here’s why using clear communication is SO important:

Transparent language helps build trust in
your organization.


Writing concise, simple messages saves time and money.


Clear writing makes internal communication easier too.


Audiences are more likely to understand your messages
and take action on their health.

But YOU can help improve environmental health communication in your organization. Encourage your colleagues to:

1. Test their messages and materials with tools like CDC’s Clear Communication Index


2. Include a short, clear main message at the beginning of their documents.


3. Write all materials in actionable plain language


4. Choose simple terms over complicated ones. And if you must use difficult terms, define them.


5. Put numbers in context.


6. Advocate for clear communication and health literacy training.

You can make your environmental health information simple, clear, and actionable. And we’ll all be healthier for it.
2. Clear Writing Campaign

Print these posters, table tents, and flyers to teach others how to improve their clear writing skills.

3. Clear Writing Resources

Use these clear writing resources to grow clear writing expertise and resources in your organization.