NCEH/ATSDR Clear Writing Hub

Clear Writing Banner

One of our goals is to help our grantees and partners create environmental health information the public can understand and trust. We’ve developed this website to help you communicate clearly and effectively to all the audiences you serve.

Clear Writing training modules

These 3 online trainings teach you about audience, main message, format, layout, and more.


Search our thesaurus of environmental health terms to find plain language substitutes, tips, and examples.

Clear Writing Tips

Improve your writing with these quick grammar, spelling, and word usage tips.

Journal toolkit

This toolkit walks you through steps to plan, write, and publish a scientific journal article.

social media toolkit

The Environmental Health Social Media Toolkit for Partners can help in developing social media strategy, creating messages, and disseminating environmental health content on social media.

Advocacy Infographic

Use the Toolkit to Promote Clear Writing to improve clear writing in your organization.

Clear Writing Guide

The Clear Writing Guide helps you create clear, effective materials that everyone can understand and use.

Health Comm Playbook

The Communication Playbook teaches you the foundations of public health communication.

How to Use Empathy in Health Communication Factsheet

This fact sheet provides 5 tips for communicating with empathy.

Screen shot of the Case Study Guide webpage

This guide explains how to write a descriptive case study.

Clear Writing Guide

CDC’s Clear Communication Index helps you assess your health materials.

Clear Writing Assessment

NCEH/ATSDR’s Clear Writing Assessment [PDF – 423 KB] helps test if your materials are clear.

A Paraphrase Test

A Paraphrase Test [PDF – 116 KB] will tell you if readers interpret your messages as you intended.