Milestones In Action : By Two Years

2 year

Milestones Photo and Video Library


Notices when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying

Notices when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying



The child in this photo notices his friend is upset, and he pauses, a 2-year social/emotional milestone.


Points to things in a book when you ask, like “Where is the bear?”

Points to things in a book when you ask, like “Where is the bear?”



The child in this video is pointing to things in a book when her teacher asks, a 2-year language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Says at least two words together, like “More milk.”

Says at least two words together, like “More milk.”



The child in this video is saying at least two words together, like “more cookies”, a 2-year language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Points to at least two body parts when you ask him to show you

Points to at least two body parts when you ask him to show you



The child in this video points to at least two body parts when his mom asks him to show her, a 2-year language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Uses more gestures than just waving and pointing, like blowing a kiss or nodding yes

Uses more gestures than just waving and pointing, like blowing a kiss or nodding yes



The child in this video is using more gestures than just waving and pointing like blowing a kiss, a 2-year language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Holds something in one hand while using the other hand; for example, holding a container and taking the lid off

Holds something in one hand while using the other hand; for example, holding a container and taking the lid off



The child in this video is holding a container in one hand and using the other hand to take the lid off, a 2-year cognitive milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Tries to use switches, knobs, or buttons on a toy

Tries to use switches, knobs, or buttons on a toy



The child in this photo is trying to use switches, knobs and buttons on a toy, a 2-year cognitive milestone.


Begins to sort shapes and colors

Plays with more than one toy at the same time, like putting toy food on a toy plate



The child in this photo is playing with more than one toy at the same time, by putting toy food on a toy plate, a 2-year cognitive milestone.


Kicks a ball

Kicks a ball



The child in this photo is kicking a ball, a 2-year movement/physical development milestone.






The child in this video is running, a 2-year movement/physical development milestone.

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Walks (not climbs) up a few stairs with or without help

Walks (not climbs) up a few stairs with or without help



The child in this photo is walking up a few steps without help, a 2-year movement/physical development milestone.


Eats with a spoon

Eats with a spoon



The child in this photo is eating with a spoon, a 2-year-old movement/physical development milestone.