Milestones In Action : By Two Months

2 months

Milestones Photo and Video Library


Calms down when spoken to or picked up

Calms down when spoken to or picked up

Calms down when spoken to or picked up


Photo 1: The baby in this photo is crying as her mom is trying to calm her down by picking her up and speaking to her, a 2-month social/emotional milestone.

Photo 2: The baby in this photo is calm after her mom has spoken to her and picked her up, a 2-month social/emotional milestone.


Looks at your face

Looks at your face


The baby in this photo is looking at her mother’s face, a 2-month social/emotional milestone.


Can briefly calm herself

Seems happy to see you when you walk up to her


The baby in this photo seems happy to see her mother, a 2-month social/emotional milestone.


Can briefly calm herself


Smiles when you talk to or smile at him


The baby in this video is smiling at his mom as she smiles and talks to him, a 2-month social/emotional milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Makes sounds other than crying

Makes sounds other than crying


The baby in this video is making sounds other than crying, a 2-month language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Reacts to loud sounds

Reacts to loud sounds


The baby in this video hears a loud sound and reacts by looking towards where the sound came from, a 2-month language/communication milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Watches you as you move


Watches you as you move


The baby in this video is watching his mom move, a 2-month cognitive milestone.


Begins to follow things with eyes


Looks at a toy for several seconds


The baby in this photo is looking at a toy for several seconds, a 2-month cognitive milestone.


Holds head up when on tummy

Holds head up when on tummy


The baby in this photo is holding her head up as she lays on her tummy, a 2-month movement/physical development milestone.


Moves both arms and both legs

Moves both arms and both legs


The baby in this video is moving both legs and arms, a 2-month movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video


Opens hands briefly

Opens hands briefly


The baby in this video is opening his hands briefly, a 2-month movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” to download the video