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COVID-19 News Search Alert

COVID-19 News Search Alert

Access to some of these news databases are restricted to patrons with a CDC user ID and password.  Find a library near you that may be able to help you access similar resources by clicking the following links:  OR .

What is a search alert?

Want to be notified when a new article is published that matches your search? Set up a search alert! Search alerts will automatically rerun your search and email you new results on a schedule that you set. Set up search alerts for your area of research, journals, tables of contents, authors, and more.

Search alerts help you stay on top of the latest literature and save time!

Suggested search alert for COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus).

The following search is a basic search to use to create a search alert.  For a more detailed or customized search contact your librarian.

(coronavir* OR “corona virus” OR betacoronavir* OR covid19 OR “covid 19” OR nCoV OR “CoV 2” OR CoV2 OR sarscov2 OR 2019nCoV OR  “novel CoV” OR “wuhan virus”) OR TITLE((china OR wuhan OR huanan OR hubei) AND (virus OR pneumonia))

News sources:

Search engines:

News databases that require a CDC login to access:

  • ProQuest US Newsstream
    • Suggested search: noft(coronavir* OR “corona virus” OR betacoronavir* OR covid* OR covid19 OR “covid 19” OR nCoV OR “CoV 2” OR CoV2 OR sarscov2 OR 2019nCoV OR  “novel CoV” OR “wuhan virus”) OR ti(((china OR wuhan OR huanan OR hubei) AND (virus OR pneumonia)))
  • ProQuest International Newsstream
    • Suggested search: noft(coronavir* OR “corona virus” OR betacoronavir* OR covid* OR covid19 OR “covid 19” OR nCoV OR “CoV 2” OR CoV2 OR sarscov2 OR 2019nCoV OR  “novel CoV” OR “wuhan virus”) OR ti(((china OR wuhan OR huanan OR hubei) AND (virus OR pneumonia)))

Materials listed in these guides are selected to provide awareness of quality public health literature and resources. A material’s inclusion does not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Public Health Service (PHS), or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nor does it imply endorsement of the material’s methods or findings. HHS, PHS, and CDC assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by HHS, PHS, and CDC. Opinion, findings, and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in these materials, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of HHS, PHS, or CDC. References to publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by HHS, PHS, or CDC.