
Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings (2006)

At a glance

Authors of the Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings (2006) guideline.

Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)

Jane D. Siegel, MD; Emily Rhinehart, RN MPH CIC; Marguerite Jackson, PhD; Linda

Chiarello, RN MS; the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee


The authors and HICPAC gratefully acknowledge Dr. Larry Strausbaugh for his many contributions and valued guidance in the preparation of this guideline.


Patrick J. Brennan, MD

Professor of Medicine

Division of Infectious Diseases

University of Pennsylvania Medical School

Executive Secretary

Michael Bell, MD

Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion

National Center for Infectious Diseases

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Infection Control Coordinator

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

DELLINGER, E. Patchen., MD

Professor of Surgery

University of Washington School of Medicine

ENGEL, Jeffrey, MD

Head General Communicable Disease Control Branch

North Carolina State Epidemiologist

GORDON, Steven M., MD

Chairman, Department of Infectious Diseases

Hospital Epidemiologist

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Department of Infectious Disease

HARRELL, Lizzie J., PhD, D (ABMM)

Research Professor of Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Pathology

Associate Director, Clinical Microbiology

Duke University Medical Center

O'BOYLE, Carol, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

University of Minnesota

PEGUES, David Alexander, MD

Division of Infectious Diseases

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA


Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology

University of Texas School of Public Health

Texas A&M University School of Rural Public Health

PITT, Harriett M., MS, CIC, RN

Director, Epidemiology

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center

RAMSEY, Keith M., MD

Professor of Medicine

Medical Director of Infection Control

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

SINGH, Nalini, MD, MPH

Professor of Pediatrics

Epidemiology and International Health

The George Washington University Children's National Medical Center


Division of Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

The Ohio State University Medical Center

SMITH, Philip W., MD

Chief, Section of Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

University of Nebraska Medical Center

HICPAC membership (past)

Robert A. Weinstein, MD (Chair)

Cook County Hospital

Chicago, IL

Jane D. Siegel, MD (Co-Chair)

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Dallas, TX

Michele L. Pearson, MD (Executive Secretary)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Atlanta, GA

Raymond Y.W. Chinn, MD

Sharp Memorial Hospital

San Diego, CA

Alfred DeMaria, Jr, MD

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Jamaica Plain, MA

James T. Lee, MD, PhD

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN

William A. Rutala, PhD, MPH

University of North Carolina Health Care System

Chapel Hill, NC

William E. Scheckler, MD

University of Wisconsin

Madison, WI

Beth H. Stover, RN

Kosair Children's Hospital

Louisville, KY

Marjorie A. Underwood, RN, BSN CIC

Mt. Diablo Medical Center

Concord, CA

HICPAC Liaisons

William B. Baine, MD

Liaison to Agency for Healthcare Quality Research

Joan Blanchard, RN, MSN, CNOR

Liaison to Association of periOperative Registered Nurses

Patrick J. Brennan, MD

Liaison to Board of Scientific Counselors

Nancy Bjerke, RN, MPH, CIC

Liaison to Association of Professionals in Infection Prevention and Control

Jeffrey P. Engel, MD

Liaison to Advisory Committee on Elimination of Tuberculosis

David Henderson, MD

Liaison to National Institutes of Health

Lorine J. Jay MPH, RN, CPHQ

Liaison to Healthcare Resources Services Administration

Stephen F. Jencks, MD, MPH

Liaison to Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Sheila A. Murphey, MD

Liaison to Food and Drug Administration

Mark Russi, MD, MPH

Liaison to American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Rachel L. Stricof, MPH

Liaison to Advisory Committee on Elimination of Tuberculosis

Michael L. Tapper, MD

Liaison to Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America

Robert A. Wise, MD

Liaison to Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

Authors' Associations

Jane D. Siegel, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Department of Pediatrics

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Emily Rhinehart, RN MPH CIC CPHQ

Vice President

AIG Consultants, Inc.

Marguerite Jackson, RN PhD CIC

Director, Administrative Unit, National Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium, Department of Medicine

University of California San Diego

Linda Chiarello, RN MS

Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion

National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC
