Complete Listing of Structural Evidence-based Interventions

  • Individualized Provider Feedback on HIV/HCV Testing [PDF – 271 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Emergency departments (ED) patients
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Jason Zucker
    Study years: 2018 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building
  • 2010 New York State HIV Testing Law [PDF – 228 KB]
    Intended population: Persons newly diagnosed with HIV and medical providers who diagnose HIV
    Year published: 2015
    Author: Daniel E. Gordon
    Study years: 2007 – 2012
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • ACCESS NY Patient Navigation Program [PDF – 249 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV enrolled in the Amida Care health plan who were never in care or lost to care
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Peter Messeri
    Study years: 2010 – 2013
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Adherence Clubs (ACs) [PDF – 328 KB]
    Intended population: Patients with advanced HIV, patients with failing ART regimen
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Matthew P. Fox
    Study years: 2015 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Medicaid Expansion [340 KB – PDF] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Persons eligible for Medicaid
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Bita Fayaz Farkhad
    Study years: 2010 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Alexis Project [PDF – 271 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color living with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2014 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Brandy Martell Project [PDF – 262 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Adult transgender women of color
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Social Determinants of Health
  • CASCADE [PDF – 291 KB]
    Intended population: Adults who tested positive for HIV and who are antiretroviral treatment (ART)-naïve
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Niklaus D. Labhardt
    Study years: 2016 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • Centralized HIV Services [PDF – 267 KB]
    Intended population: Young black or African American, Hispanic/Latino HIV clinic patients
    Year published: 2013
    Author: Jessica Davila
    Study years: 2004 – 2007
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • Clinical Pharmacy Resident Intervention [PDF – 257 KB]
    Intended population: Veterans with HIV
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Autumn Zuckerman
    Study years: 2014 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure
  • Combined Intervention Strategies (CIS) [PDF – 285 KB]
    Intended population: Adult clinic patients newly diagnosed with HIV in Mozambique
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Batya Elul
    Study years: 2013 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • Community Health Worker (CHW) Integration Program [PDF – 320 KB]
    Intended population: Priority clients of HIV community health workers (CHWs)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Mari-Lynn Drainoni
    Study years: 2016 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Community Promise [PDF – 908 KB]
    Evidence- Based
    Intended population: Underserved populations at risk for HIV infection
    Year published: 1999
    Author: CDC ACDP Research Group
    Study years: 1991 – 1994
    Structural component: Access
  • Continuity of Care Engagement for Persons Released from Jail (CCJC) [PDF – 344 KB]
    Intended population: Persons who are released from jail with new or previous diagnoses of HIV infection
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Thana Khawcharoenport
    Study years: 2011 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Cooperative Re-engagement Controlled Trial (CoRECT): Connecticut [PDF – 251 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: People with HIV (PWH) who are newly out of care
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Robyn Fanfair
    Study years: 2016 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Cooperative Re-engagement Controlled Trial (CoRECT): Massachusetts [PDF – 259 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: People with HIV (PWH) who are newly out of care
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Robyn Fanfair
    Study years: 2016 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Cooperative Re-engagement Controlled Trial (CoRECT): Philadelphia [PDF – 282 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: People with HIV (PWH) who are newly out of care
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Robyn Fanfair
    Study years: 2016 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • County-Township-Village Allied Intervention [PDF – 298 KB]
    Intended population: Female sex workers (FSWs) and persons who use drugs (PWUD)
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Hao Liang
    Study years: 2012 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building
  • CrescentCare Start Initiative (CCSI) [PDF – 330 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with newly diagnosed HIV
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Jason Halperin
    Study years: 2016 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Direct Provision of Free HIV Self-Tests among Female Sex Workers in Uganda [PDF – 266 KB]
    Intended population: Female sex workers (FSWs)
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Katrina Ortblad
    Study years: 2016 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building
  • DO ART [PDF – 344 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with HIV (PWH)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Ruanne Barnabas
    Study years: 2016 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • DriSti (Drive Against Stigma) Trial [PDF – 325 KB]
    Intended population: Nursing students and hospital ward staff
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Maria L. Ekstrand
    Study years: 2014 – 2019
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Dual-Routine HCV/HIV Testing and Linkage to Care [PDF – 920 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic and HIV-risk patients
    Year published: 2016
    Author: Catelyn Coyle
    Study years: 2013-2014
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building, Policy/Procedure
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Alert for HIV Screening [PDF – 256 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Persons of unknown HIV status recommended for routine HIV screening
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Cindy Bitter
    Study years: 2019
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Alerts [PDF – 312 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Adults aged 18-64 years for HIV screening and adults born between 1945 and 1965 for HCV screening
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Hazel Tapp
    Study years: 2016 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Reminder for HIV Testing [PDF – 277 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic patients
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Colleen Kershaw
    Study years: 2012 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building
  • Enhanced Housing Placement Assistance (EHPA) [PDF – 315 KB]
    Intended population: Homeless persons with HIV
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Hao Liang
    Study years: 2012 – 2014
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • eSTAMP [PDF – 396 KB]
    Intended population: HIV-negative (or unknown status) men who have sex with men (MSM) in the U.S.
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Robin J. MacGowan
    Study years: 2015 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • Financial Incentives [PDF – 954 KB]
    Intended population: HIV positive persons who are newly diagnosed or treatment-experienced and in care
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Wafaa El-Sadr
    Study years: 2011 – 2013
    Structural component: Social Determinants of Health
  • Financial Incentives for Viral Suppression [PDF – 249 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV who have detectable viral loads (>200 copies/mL)
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Kenneth Silverman
    Study years: 2015 – 2018
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Financial Incentives in Tanzania [PDF – 359 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) starting antiretroviral therapy (ART)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Carolyn Fahey
    Study years: 2018
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Health Models: Pay-for-Performance Program [PDF – 285 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic patients with HIV who are in care
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Antoine D. Brantley
    Study years: 2013 – 2016
    Structural component: Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • HIV/AIDS Education for Undergraduate Nursing Students [PDF – 913 KB]
    Intended population: Undergraduate nursing students
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Judy A. Frain
    Study years: Not reported
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • HIV Care Coordination Program (CCP) [PDF – 451 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with HIV (PWH)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: McKaylee M. Robertson
    Study years: 2009 – 2017
  • HIV Care Coordination Program [PDF – 276 KB]
    Intended Population: Persons who are recently diagnosed with HIV or are at high risk for, or have a history of, suboptimal HIV care outcomes
    Year published: 2015
    Author: Mary Irvine
    Study years: 2009 – 2013
  • HIV Clinical Pharmacist Services [PDF – 269 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV newly referred for care
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Christin Kilcrease
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • HIV Nurse Navigation Program [PDF – 247 KB]
    Intended population: Veterans with HIV who have poor engagement in HIV medical care
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Octavia Hemmy Asamsama
    Study years: 2014 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • HIV Oral Self-Testing [PDF – 295 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Male partners of pregnant female persons attending antenatal care
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Jeffrey Korte
    Study years: 2016 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • HIV PrEP Services for Urban Women [PDF – 260 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Healthcare providers in an urban sexual health clinic
    Year published: 2023
    Author: Rachel Scott
    Study years: 2018 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • HIV Self-Testing [PDF – 304 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Men who have sex with men (MSM) without HIV
    Year published: 2018
    Author: David Katz
    Study years: 2010 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • HIV Self-Testing Kits [PDF – 295 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Ci Zhang
    Study years: 2018
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • HIV Telehealth in Veterans Administration Clinics [PDF – 285 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with HIV (PWH) in VA clinics
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Michael Ohl
    Study years: 2014 – 2016
  • Home-Based HIV Self-Testing with Online Instruction and Counseling (HIVST-OIC) [PDF – 382 KB]
    Intended population: HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Joseph T. F. Lau
    Study years: 2015 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • HOSENG Trial (Home-Based Oral Self-Testing) [PDF – 427 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Underserved populations at risk for HIV infection
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Alain Amstutz
    Study years: 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure
  • Howard Brown Health Center Transgender Women of Color Initiative [PDF – 254 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2012 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • HRSA Homeless Initiative [PDF – 314 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are homeless or unstably housed, and diagnosed with mental health or substance use disorders
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Manisha H. Maskay
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • iENGAGE [PDF – 236 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are new to care
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Ibrahim Yigit
    Study years: Not reported
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • INFINI-T [PDF – 259 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color (TYWOC) with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Physical Structure
  • Integrated Pharmacy and PrEP Navigation Services [PDF – 307 KB]
    Intended population: HIV-negative urban clinic patients with a new PrEP prescription
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Megan Coleman
    Study years: 2018 – 2019
    Structural component: Capacity Building; Physical Structure; Policy/Procedure
  • Intensive Client-Centered Intervention [PDF – 256 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are homeless or unstably housed, and diagnosed with mental health or substance use disorders
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Manisha H. Maskay
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • ISUM [PDF – 259 KB]
    Intended population: Transgender women (TGW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) who are HIV-negative and not taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) who engage in sexual risk behavior
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Alex Carballo- Diéguez
    Study years: 2014 – 2019
    Structural component: Access
  • KC Life 360 [PDF – 324 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Persons with HIV (PWH) who are unstably housed, experiencing homelessness, experiencing domestic violence, unemployed or under-employed; PWH who are virally unsuppressed, newly diagnosed with HIV, or are out of care
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Joseph Lightner
    Study years: 2018 – 2020
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • LA Links (Louisiana Links) [PDF – 284 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with HIV (PWH) who received a new HIV diagnosis, previously received an HIV diagnosis, or are experiencing viral suppression failure
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Susannah Anderson
    Study years: 2011 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • LINCS (Linkage, Integration, Navigation, and Comprehensive Services) [PDF – 316 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are not in care (NIC)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Darpun Sachdev
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Link4Health [PDF – 920 KB]
    Intended population: Adult clinic patients newly identified with HIV
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Margaret (Molly) McNairy
    Study years: 2013 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • Lotto to Link [PDF – 303 KB]
    Intended population: Men with HIV (MWH)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Ruanne Barnabas
    Study years: 2017 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Social Determinants of Health
  • MAX Clinic [PDF – 297 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are poorly engaged in HIV care and not virally suppressed
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Julia C. Dombrowski
    Study years: 2014 – 2015
  • Mpowerment [PDF – 916 KB]
    Intended population: Young MSM
    Year published: 1996
    Author: Susan M. Kegeles
    Study years: Not reported
    Structural component: Community Mobilization
  • Multicomponent Support Strategies [PDF – 225 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: People with HIV (PWH) in clinical care; PWH experiencing homelessness
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Matthew Spinelli
    Study years: 2018 – 2021
    Structural component: Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • OPT-In for Life [PDF – 280 KB]
    Intended population: Young adults with HIV
    Year published: 2020
    Author: John Zurlo
    Study years: 2017 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building
  • Opt-Out HIV/HCV Screening [PDF – 325 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: People who inject drugs (PWID) participating in a syringe services program (SPP)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Tyler Bartholomew
    Study years: 2016 – 2020
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Partnership for Health (Loss-Frame) [PDF – 912 KB]
    Intended population: HIV-positive clinic patients
    Year published: 2004
    Author: Jean L. Richardson
    Study years: 1999 – 2000
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Patient-Centered Appointment Reminder [PDF – 313 KB]
    Intended population: Urban clinic patients with HIV
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Judith Adams
    Study years: 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Patient-Centered HIV Care Model (PCHCM) [PDF – 296 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic patients
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Kathy K. Byrd
    Study years: 2014 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Physical Structure
  • PrEP for Primary Care [PDF – 267 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Primary care physicians
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Joshua Lumsden
    Study years: 2012 – 2020
    Structural component: Capacity Building
  • Point of Care CD4 Count Testing and Care Facilitation [PDF – 225 KB]
    Intended population: Adults newly diagnosed with HIV
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Christopher J. Hoffmann
    Study years: 2013 – 2014
    Structural component: Access
  • PopART [PDF – 380 KB]
    Intended population: Residents of urban and peri-urban communities in Zambia and Western Cape Province, South Africa
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Richard Hayes
    Study years: 2013 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • PrEP and PEP Public Health Detailing Campaign for Cisgender and Transgender Women [PDF – 228 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Healthcare providers serving cisgender and transgender women
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Amanda Wahnich
    Study years: 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building
  • Princess Project [PDF – 258 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Black or African American transgender women with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2012 – 2017
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Project Shikamana [PDF – 256 KB]
    Intended population: Female sex workers (FSW)
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Deanna Kerrigan
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Community Mobilization, Social Determinants of Health
  • Project Yes! [PDF – 306 KB]
    Intended population: Adolescents and young adults (ages 15 – 24 years) with HIV
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Julie A. Denison
    Study years: 2017 – 2019
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Provision of Coupons for Free HIV Self-Tests among Female Sex Workers in Uganda [PDF – 264 KB]
    Intended population: Female sex workers (FSWs)
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Katrina Ortblad
    Study years: 2016 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Provision of HIV Testing Results by Telephone [PDF – 895 KB]
    Intended population: Men who have sex with men (MSM) attending a public health clinic
    Year published: 2015
    Author: Melanie Bissessor
    Study years: 2011 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building, Policy/Procedure
  • Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative at Adult Special Care Clinics (ASCC) [PDF – 310 KB]
    Intended population: Pregnant and postpartum women with HIV (WWH)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Aubri Hickman
    Study years: 2014 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • RAPID (Rapid ART Program for Individuals with an HIV Diagnosis) [PDF – 261 KB]
    Intended population: Persons newly diagnosed with HIV
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Christopher D. Pilcher
    Study years: 2013 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • RAPID (Rapid ART Program Initiative for new Diagnoses) [PDF – 312 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: People with a new HIV diagnosis
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Oliver Bacon
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building
  • Rapid ART Initiation [PDF – 240 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: ART-naïve persons with a new HIV diagnosis
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Danica Joy Ilagan
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Rapid ART Start Protocol [PDF – 318 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Patients with HIV at a Veteran’s health clinic
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Jesse O’Shea
    Study years: 2012 – 2020
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Rapid HIV Screening in an Urban Pediatric Primary Care Clinic [PDF – 373 KB]
    Intended population: 13- to 25-year-old patients in an urban pediatric primary care clinic
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Renata Arrington-Sanders
    Study years: 2013 – 2015
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • Rapid Start ART [PDF – 323 KB]
    Intended population: Youth with new HIV diagnosis and ART-naïve
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Nehali D. Patel
    Study years: 2016 – 2020
    Structural component: Access; Policy/Procedure
  • Red Carpet Program (RCP) [PDF – 249 KB]
    Intended population: Newly-diagnosed adolescents (15-19 years old) and youth (20-21 years old)
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Eva C. Ruria
    Study years: 2016
    Structural component: Access, Capacity building, Policy/Procedure, Social Determinants of Health
  • RISE [PDF – 254 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: Black or African American persons with HIV (PWH) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) but not yet virally suppressed and/or non-adherent to ART
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Laura Bogart
    Study years: 2018 – 2021
    Structural component: Social Determinants of Health
  • Routine HIV Screening Program: Central Care [PDF – 898 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic patients
    Year published: 2016
    Author: Natasha Crumby
    Study years: 2012 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Routine HIV Screening Program: Southside [PDF – 911 KB]
    Intended population: Clinic patients
    Year published: 2016
    Author: Natasha Crumby
    Study years: 2012 – 2014
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Routine Universal Screening for HIV Program (RUSH) [PDF – 250 KB]
    Intended population: Persons diagnosed previously with HIV
    Year published: 2015
    Author: Charlene Flash
    Study years: 2008 – 2012
    Structural component: Access, Policy/Procedure
  • Safe in the City [PDF – 912 KB]
    Intended population: STD clinic patients
    Year published: 2008
    Author: Lee Warner
    Study years: 2003 – 2005
    Structural component: Mass Media
  • Shelter Plus Care [PDF – 257 KB]
    Intended population: Homeless people with HIV/AIDS
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Elizabeth Bowen
    Study years: 2008 – 2016
    Structural component: Social Determinants of Health
  • Short-Term Cash and Food Assistance [PDF – 1 MB]
    Intended population: People living with HIV (PLHIV) who are food insecure and recently initiated antiretroviral treatment (ART)
    Year published: 2017
    Author: Sandra I. McCoy
    Study years: 2013 – 2016
    Structural component: Social Determinants of Health
  • SLATE (Simplified Algorithm for Treatment Eligibility) [PDF – 362 KB]
    Intended population: Adult HIV clinic patients in Johannesburg, South Africa and western Kenya
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Sydney Rosen
    Study years: 2017 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Policy
  • SLATE II (Simplified Algorithm for Treatment Eligibility) [PDF – 336 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are presenting for antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation including those who are re-initiating treatment, with mild TB symptoms
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Mhairi Maskew
    Study years: March – September 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • SmartLink [PDF – 276 KB]
    Intended population: Persons who are newly diagnosed with HIV and are Android smartphone owners
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Alex Fischer
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
  • STEP (Structured HIV Transition Empowerment Program) NEW 2023 [PDF – 281 KB]
    Intended population: Young people with HIV transitioning from pediatric to adult HIV care
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Patrick Ryscavage
    Study years: 2017 – 2019
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • STREAM (Simplifying HIV TREAtment and Monitoring) [PDF – 262 KB]
    Intended population: Adults with HIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Paul K. Drain
    Study years: 2017 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Policy/Procedure
  • Streamlined Care [PDF – 364 KB]
    Intended population: People with HIV (PWH) who are ART eligible in SEARCH trial communities
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Matt Hickey
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Policy/Procedure
  • Stronger Together NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Cisgender male HIV serodiscordant couples
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Matthew Mimiaga
    Study years: 2014 – 2017
    Structural component: Capacity Building
  • Suppression Bundle [PDF – 290 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Patients at HIV clinics with non-suppressed viral loads
    Year published: 2023
    Author: Victoria Poplin
    Study years: 2018
    Structural component: Access, Social Determinants of Health
  • STYLE [PDF – 271 KB]
    Intended population: Recently diagnosed or lost-to-care young HIV-positive black or African American, Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Year published: 2011
    Author: Lisa Hightow-Weidman
    Study years: 2006 – 2009
    Structural component: Access, Mass Media, Physical Structure
  • Systems Navigation and Psychosocial Counseling (SNaP) (HPTN074) [PDF – 406 KB]
    Intended population: HIV positive PWID and their non-infected injection partners
    Year published: 2018
    Author: William C. Miller
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • Taking Care of Me [PDF – 252 KB]
    Intended population: Patients attending HIV treatment clinics
    Year published: 2018
    Author: Mary S. Neumann
    Study years: 2015 – 2017
    Structural component: Mass Media
  • TransAccess [PDF – 260 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2012 – 2020
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • TransActivate [PDF – 260 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Latina transgender women with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2014 – 2016
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • Transitional Care Coordination (TCC): New York [PDF – 340 KB]
    Intended population: Incarcerated persons with HIV (PWH)
    Year published: 2015
    Author: Paul A. Teixeira
    Study years: 2008 – 2011
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Transitional Care Coordination (TCC): Puerto Rico [PDF – 338 KB]
    Intended population: Incarcerated persons with HIV (PWH)
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Janet J. Wiersema
    Study years: 2015 – 2018
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Trans Life Care (TLC) [PDF – 252 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color with HIV
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • TRUST [PDF – 239 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Young Black or African American men who have sex with men (YBMSM) and transgender women (TW)
    Year published: 2021
    Author: Victoria Frye
    Study years: July 2016 – December 2017
    Structural component: Access, Physical Structure
  • T.W.E.E.T [PDF – 275 KB] NEW 2023
    Intended Population: Transgender women of color who have a new HIV diagnosis or have a previous HIV diagnosis and are out of HIV care
    Year published: 2022
    Author: Gregory Rebchook
    Study years: 2013 – 2017
    Structural component: Capacity Building, Social Determinants of Health
  • Virology FastTrack [PDF – 225 KB]
    Intended population: HIV care providers
    Year published: 2012
    Author: Gregory K. Robbins
    Study years: 2007 – 2008
    Structural component: Capacity Building
  • Ya Tsie [PDF – 342 KB]
    Intended population: Community residents between the ages of 16 and 64 years
    Year published: 2019
    Author: Joseph Makhema
    Study years: 2013 – 2018
    Structural components: Access, Capacity Building, Physical Structure, Social Determinants of Health
  • Zambian Urban Adherence Clubs [PDF – 311 KB]
    Intended population: Persons with HIV (PWH) who are ART-experienced
    Year published: 2020
    Author: Monika Roy
    Study years: 2016 – 2017
    Structural component: Access; Capacity Building; Physical Structure; Policy/Procedure