HICPAC Guideline Updates

At a glance

  • This page provides updates to guidelines currently under development by HICPAC.
  • HICPAC is currently reviewing draft updates to three guidelines, detailed here.

At a glance: Guidelines under development

See below for status updates.


HICPAC, a federal advisory committee, weighs science and public discussion to inform their recommendations to CDC. Consisting of experts from healthcare infection prevention and control fields who work outside of CDC, the federal advisory committee process allows for wide-ranging input while reducing concerns about conflicts of interest.

Members and liaisons represent expertise across the continuum of care and bring related healthcare and patient safety expertise from their experience working in healthcare facilities, public health departments, professional associations, consumer groups, government, and global organizations.

How updates are made

General process for HICPAC's review

Step 1: Workgroup

A workgroup is formed and meets for an extended period (e.g., months or years) to gather, examine, and interpret data.

Step 2: Data

The workgroup presents data and expert opinion to the full HICPAC membership for review and discussion. The full committee (not the workgroup) is charged with making recommendations to CDC.

Step 3: First draft

The first draft of new or revised guidelines is presented and discussed. If ready, HICPAC members will vote on if the draft guidelines are ready for public comment. Members weigh public discussion and the presented data.

Step 4: Public comment

If voting members approve, the guidelines are posted to the Federal Register for public comment, including industry input.

Step 5: Review and revision

CDC and HICPAC review and respond to the public comments. The guidelines are revised to reflect public input. HICPAC reviews again and votes to approve for submission to CDC. CDC reviews and, if accepted, these are posted as CDC guidance.

Step 6: Vote and recommendation

The workgroup presents the revised and pre-final draft for HICPAC approval. The members vote on the guideline and, if approved, recommend the final draft to CDC. Once guidelines are approved by HICPAC and complete a final CDC review, CDC updates the CDC Infection Control website and related materials.

Current guidelines under development

Once guidelines are approved by HICPAC and complete a final CDC review, the CDC infection control website and related materials are updated.

Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings (2007)

Part One draft update to the Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings (2007)

Current status: Step 3

  • HICPAC voted and approved the responses.

Next steps

  • HICPAC will send the responses to the four questions back to CDC.
  • The workgroup will continue working to update Part One of the draft guideline.
  • Once Part One of the draft guideline is ready, it will be presented to the committee at a later HICPAC meeting.
  • Once HICPAC votes and approves the draft, the draft guideline will be posted to the Federal Register via Regulations.gov for public comment.

Guideline for Infection Control in Healthcare Personnel, 1998

Draft update to the Guideline for Infection Control in Healthcare Personnel, 1998 - Viral Respiratory Infections section

Current status: Step 4

  • The workgroup presented the Draft Viral Respiratory Infections recommendations to HICPAC for vote during the November 2024 meeting.
  • The committee voted to approve the draft recommendations.

Next steps

  • The Draft Viral Respiratory Infections Section will be posted to the Federal Register via Regulations.gov for public comment in the coming months.
  • Once the draft section is posted for public comment, the dates, identifying information, and link will be posted on this webpage.

Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings – 2003

Draft update to the Dental Unit Waterlines, Biofilm, and Water Quality section from the Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings – 2003

Current status: Step 1

  • The workgroup is in the initial stages of gathering and summarizing data for presentation to HICPAC.

Next steps

  • Draft recommendations will be presented to HICPAC at a future meeting.

Documents posted to Federal Register

  • Currently, there are no HICPAC documents posted to Federal Register-Regulations.gov.