Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)

Key points

  • HICPAC is a federal advisory committee appointed to provide advice and guidance to DHHS and CDC regarding the practice of infection control and strategies for surveillance, prevention, and control of healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and related events in United States healthcare settings.

What it is

HICPAC provides advice and guidance to DHHS and CDC on infection control practices and strategies for the surveillance, prevention, and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), antimicrobial resistance, and adverse events in United States healthcare settings.


HICPAC consists of 14 voting members who are not federal employees. These experts are appointed by the Secretary of HHS following an application and nomination process. HICPAC voting members bring expertise including, but not limited to, infectious diseases, infection prevention and control, healthcare epidemiology, nursing, clinical and environmental microbiology, surgery, hospital medicine, internal medicine, epidemiology, health policy, health services research, public health, and related medical fields.

HICPAC also includes six ex officio members who represent federal agencies within HHS, as well as liaison representatives that bring related patient safety expertise from health-related associations, consumer groups, public organizations, and partners. These ex officio members and liaison representatives are included on the HICPAC charter, which is renewed biennially by HHS. Ex officio and liaison representatives are non-voting members of HICPAC.

Keep Reading: HICPAC Roster


HICPAC meets up to 8 times a year at CDC in Atlanta, Georgia. Meetings are open to the public and time for public comments is allotted on the agenda.

Upcoming Meeting

HICPAC March 6-7 tentative meeting update: The March HICPAC meeting has been delayed to allow sufficient time for public comment and for HHS and CDC to set up a process for review and prioritization of the agenda.

Registration is not required to watch HICPAC Meeting webcasts.

Keep Reading: Upcoming Meeting

General process for guideline development

1. Workgroup.

A workgroup is formed and meets for an extended period (e.g., months or years) to gather, examine, and interpret data.

2. Data.

The workgroup presents data and expert opinion to the full HICPAC membership for review and discussion. The full committee (not the workgroup) is charged with making recommendations to CDC.

3. First draft.

The first draft of new or revised guidelines is presented and discussed. If ready, the HICPAC members will vote on if the draft guidelines are ready for CDC review and public comment. Members weigh public discussion and the presented data.

4. Public comment.

If voting members approve, the guidelines are reviewed by CDC and then posted to the Federal Register for public comment, including industry input.

5. Review & revision.

CDC and HICPAC review and respond to the public comments. The guidelines are revised to reflect public input. CDC reviews again.

6. Vote & recommendation.

The workgroup presents the revised and pre-final draft for HICPAC approval. The members vote on the guideline and, if approved, recommend the final draft to CDC. Once guidelines are approved by HICPAC and complete a final CDC review, the CDC infection control website and related materials are updated.


The committee is governed by the provisions of Public Law 92-463, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), which sets forth standards for the formation and use of advisory committees.

Keep Reading: HICPAC Charter

Contact HICPAC Committee Management

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  • Membership information
  • Meeting information such as
    • Registration
    • Meeting minutes
    • Agendas
    • Public comment
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

HICPAC Committee Management

MS – H16-31600 Clifton Road

Atlanta, GA 30329-4027

Technical questions or comments about CDC's infection control guidelines?

For information about the recommendations or scientific content:

  • Phone: 1-800-232-4636 English & Spanish
  • TTY: 888-232-6348