Sample Social Media Posts for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities

At a glance

Social media posts allow you to easily distribute Hear Her® campaign messages and materials to your audience. Use your organization’s social media accounts to share important information about preventing pregnancy-related deaths. Below are some graphics from the campaign and tailored posts that you can use to share and promote Hear Her® on your social media channels.

Hear Her Concerns woman holding baby.

Sample posts for American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Here are a few quick tips to help you make the most of your social media posts to promote the Hear Her® campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X.

  • Be sure to keep your posts brief. People are more likely to read short posts than lengthy ones.
  • Connect with partners. Ask them to share the posts or promote the content.
  • Use the campaign hashtag on Twitter/X and Instagram to label your message: #HearHer, which allows people to group and sort posts with that hashtag.
  • Engage with our social media handles through likes, mentions, and shares.
  • Download images that are sized appropriately for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X.
Hear Her Concerns woman holding baby
Honor your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to your body and speak up if something doesn't feel right. Learn the urgent maternal warning signs and get the care you need.  
Hear Her Concerns woman holding baby
You know your body best. If you are pregnant or gave birth within the last year and feel like something is wrong, speak up and ask for help. It could save your life.
Hear Her Concerns woman walking with friend
We must support mothers by hearing their concerns and ensuring they get the care they need. Recognize the urgent maternal warning signs and be the support she needs. Learn more at
Hear Her Concerns woman talking to health care professional
Health care providers play a critical role in improving maternal health among American Indian and Alaska Native women. It's important to make sure your patients are comfortable sharing their concerns. Learn more at

Social Media for Health Care Providers

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@CDC_DRH and @CDCgov

@CDC HearHer and @CDC
