Component 1: Physical Education
Component 2: Physical Activity During School
Component 3: Physical Activity Before and After School
Component 4: Staff Involvement
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools
Step 3: Create a Vision Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Step 4: Identify Intended Outcomes
Video Transcript [PDF - 99 KB]
How can active recess be implemented in elementary schools?
How much time is adequate for recess?
Can moving between classes be considered a PA break?
How can PA be integrated into classroom lessons?
How long should classroom PA breaks be?
Increasing Physical Activity Through Recess
NYC Dept. of Education Move-to-Improve
Public Schools of NC Classroom Energizers
Strategies for Recess in Schools
Take A Break! Teacher Toolbox: Physical Activity Breaks in the Secondary Classroom [PDF 3.5 MB]