Component 1: Physical Education
Component 2: Physical Activity During School
Component 3: Physical Activity Before and After School
Component 4: Staff Involvement
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools
Step 3: Create a Vision Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Step 4: Identify Intended Outcomes
Video Transcript [PDF - 111 KB]
What is the difference between a waiver, exemption, and substitution?
What is meant by differentiated instruction and deliberate instructional practice?
What does a well-designed PE program do, and what is the purpose of a PE curriculum?
What three domains of learning are addressed by physical education?
How can inclusion of students with special needs or disabilities be ensured?
What physical education policies should be included in a local school wellness policy?
Why is student assessment in physical education important, and what does it include?
Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School
Essential Components of Physical Education [PDF 404 KB]
Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education [PDF 1.0 MB]
Guidelines for Elementary, Middle & High School Physical Education [PDF 508 KB]
Instructional Framework for Fitness Education in Physical Education [PDF 456 KB]