Food Safety Newsletter

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Food Safety Updates From CDC is an electronic newsletter of food safety news for educators, consumer advocates, government officials, and industry representatives.

Food Safety Updates From CDC


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In this edition

New Study: Socioeconomic Factors May Impact Ground Beef-Associated Outbreaks

A recent study by CDC found a possible connection between ground beef-associated salmonellosis and certain factors, such as socioeconomic factors of the community a person lives in, which may impact who gets sick. This finding underscores the importance of addressing disparities in food safety. The occurrence of outbreak illnesses increased in communities with lower socioeconomic factors. By understanding why these disparities occur, interventions can be tailored to address specific needs for everyone involved in the food industry from farm to fork, ultimately improving safety and promoting better health outcomes for all.

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Chill Out to Prevent Food Poisoning

Foodborne illness increases during summer months, but you can take steps to prevent illness. As the days heat up be sure to keep your perishable food chilled. Refrigerate meat, seafood, dairy, cut fruit, some vegetables, and cooked leftovers within 2 hours. If those foods are exposed to temperatures above 90°F, like a hot car or picnic, refrigerate them within 1 hour. When enjoying a meal outdoors, bring a cooler to keep your cold food and beverages at or below 40°F.

Food Safety Tip

Grilling out this 4th of July? Make sure to cook everything to a safe internal temperature and keep raw meat separate from cooked meat and ready-to-eat foods. Use clean utensils and a clean plate to remove cooked meat from the grill and throw out marinades and sauces that have touched raw meat juices.

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