Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 to 64 Years
Estimates from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), National Immunization Survey (NIS), and the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS)
- Summary Flu Vaccination Trends
- Age Groups
- Race/Ethnicity, Persons 6 Months and Older
- Race/Ethnicity, Children 6 Months to 17 years
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 Years and Older
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 to 64 Years
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 to 64 Years at High-Risk
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 to 49 Years
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 18 to 49 Years at High-Risk
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 50 to 64 Years
- Race/Ethnicity, Adults 65 Years and Older
This URL has been moved. The most updated information can now be found at https://www.cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/trends/adults-18to64.htm.
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