NIVW Flu Blog-a-thon

CDC Flu Blog-A-Thon

During National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) 2016, CDC invited partners to write blog post on the importance of flu vaccination as part of a flu blog-a-thon.  Over 25 partners participated in the blog-a-thon, generating over 30 blog posts ranging in topics from the importance of flu vaccines for caregivers to tips on protecting your family from flu during the holidays. The collaborative effort of so many partners promoting flu vaccination to a variety of audiences helped increase awareness about flu and remind people that it is not too late to get a flu vaccine this season!

Check out participating blogs below:

Submit Your Success Story!

Submit the following information to to have your success story featured here!

  • Write a 250 word (maximum) description of your success story including name of organization, any collaborating organizations, when the event took place (either last flu season or this flu season only), and any evaluation taken from the activity.
  • Include a minimum of (1-2) pictures of the event. Acceptable file formats include JPG, GIF, and PNG. Preferred size at least 500 by 300 pixels (or larger).
  • Include contact information in case CDC follow up is needed. Please let us know if we can share your contact information within your success story in case other organizations would like to partner with you for future events.