Applying to be a Fellow

Key points

  • To join EIS, you must be willing to commit to this 2-year, full-time fellowship (beginning in July) and relocate to your assignment.

Opportunities & Updates

The 2025 fellowship application period is closed. The next application period will open in March 2025.

For questions about the EIS program, please contact us directly at

Class of 2026 Deadlines & Decision Dates

March 3, 2025
Application period opens at 9:00 a.m. (ET).
April 22-25, 2025
Interested applicants are invited to attend the EIS conference in-person in Atlanta (at own expense) or via event livestream. Event registration is free.
June 5, 2025
Application period closes at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
All applications and supporting materials must be received by the deadline.
Late applications will not be considered.
June-August 2025
EIS program reviews applications and selects applicants for interviews.
September 2025
EIS program interviews applicants virtually.
By October 2025
EIS program notifies applicants of their status (accepted, wait-listed, or rejected).
Spring 2025
Accepted candidates attend the EIS conference in Atlanta. EIS program pays travel expenses for the conference.
Early July 2026
Two-year fellowship begins. New EIS officers start one-month orientation and summer course in Atlanta.


EIS Recruitment Flyer
EIS Recruitment Flyer

EIS Recruitment Flyer