How to Prevent E. coli infection

Key points

  • Some kinds of E. coli can make you sick.
  • You can take steps to prevent an E. coli infection.
  • These steps are especially important for some groups of people.
  • These groups include children younger than 5, adults 65 and older, people with weakened immune systems, and international travelers.
A person washing their hands with soap and water in a sink.

Prevention tips

Keep your hands clean.

Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and other people from getting sick. Learn when and how you should wash your hands to stay healthy.

Follow four simple steps to food safety: clean, separate, cook, and chill.

E. coli and other harmful germs can be on your kitchen surfaces and in your foods. At home, follow these 4 simple steps to prevent illness.

Do not drink unsafe water.

At home

Having safe drinking water may be as simple as turning on the tap. But sometimes, extra steps are needed to make sure water is safe. Learn how to protect your home drinking water.

Camping, hiking, or traveling abroad

When camping, hiking, or traveling, always use safe water for drinking, cooking, brushing your teeth, or other activities. Use one of these methods to treat or purify water.


Don't swallow water when swimming or playing in lakes, ponds, streams, swimming pools, and backyard "kiddie" pools. Learn more about healthy and safe swimming.

Diarrhea and swimming don't mix!‎

Don't swim or let others swim if sick with diarrhea.

Drink pasteurized milk and juices.

Pasteurized milk and juices have undergone a process called pasteurization. Pasteurization kills harmful germs, including E. coli. Look for the word "pasteurized" on the label when shopping for milk, dairy products, and juices. If in doubt, don’t buy it!