Preventing Crypto

Key points

  • The following recommendations are intended to help prevent cryptosporidiosis infection ("Crypto”).
  • Washing hands at key times; avoiding contaminated food and water, especially while traveling; and practicing safer sex and are all ways you can protect yourself from Crypto.
Close up of man's hands at a sink with soap on them and water running.

Prevention tips

Practice Good Hygiene

  • Help keep yourself and your loved ones healthy by washing your hands often with soap and water, especially during key times when you are likely to spread germs.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not effective against Crypto. Washing hands at key times with soap and water can help prevent infections.

Avoid Water That Might Be Contaminated

  • Do not drink untreated water or use untreated ice from lakes, rivers, springs, ponds, streams, or shallow wells.
  • Follow advice given during local drinking water advisories.
  • If the safety of the drinking water is in doubt (for example, if water source is unknown), use one of the following:
    • Commercially bottled water
    • Water that has been previously boiled for at least 1 minute and left to cool. At elevations above 6,500 feet (1,981 meters), boil for 3 minutes.
    • A filter designed to remove Crypto. The label might read 'NSF 53' or 'NSF 58.' Filter labels that read "absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller" are also effective.

Avoid Food That Might Be Contaminated

  • If you drink milkor apple cider, only buy if it has been pasteurized.
  • Do not eat fruits and vegetables washed in water that might be contaminated.

Practice Extra Caution While Traveling

  • Do not use or drink inadequately treated water or use ice when traveling in countries where the water might be unsafe.
  • Avoid eating uncooked foods when traveling in countries where the food supply might be unsafe.

Practice Safer Sex

  • Wait to have sex (vaginal, anal, and oral) for 2 weeks after you no longer have diarrhea. Patients typically stop having Crypto in their poop within 2 weeks after symptoms completely stop.
  • Reduce your contact with poop during sex by:
    • Washing your hands, genitals, and anus with soap and water before and after sexual activity.
    • Using barrier methods during sex. Barrier methods include condoms, dental dams, and cut-open condoms. Sex includes oral (mouth-to-penis, mouth-to-vagina, mouth-to-anus), anal (penis-to-anus), and vaginal (penis-to-vagina) sex. Using latex gloves during anal fingering or fisting.
    • Using condoms the right way, every time you have anal and vaginal sex, which will also help prevent other sexually transmitted infections.
    • Washing your hands with soap and water immediately after touching a used condom or other barrier method.
    • Washing sex toys with soap and water after each use and washing hands after touching used sex toys.