Key points
- This toolkit aims to provide actionable information on Legionella control measures to address hazardous conditions.
- The information is specific to the water systems and devices that are commonly implicated sources of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks.
- It helps focus and improve Legionella control efforts and protect our communities.

About the toolkit
Use this toolkit to evaluate hazardous conditions in water systems and devices according to industry guidelines and CDC guidance.
Who should use these tools
This toolkit is intended for use by
- Building owners and managers
- Public health staff members
CDC welcomes feedback on this toolkit. Email with your thoughts and suggestions.
Toolkit resources
Tips to safely operate a potable water system and respond to cases of Legionnaires' disease.
Guidance on operation, maintenance, and remediation of and control limits for cooling towers.
Cleaning and disinfection are regular parts of safely operating a hot tub or whirlpool spa.
Tips to safely operate a decorative fountain and respond to cases of Legionnaires' disease.
Cleaning and maintenance are a regular part of operating and maintaining plumbed devices.
CDC provides guidance on routine Legionella testing (not testing related to case investigations).
Terms, phrases, and definitions used in the Legionella Control Toolkit.
Download individual modules
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit to help evaluate hazardous conditions associated...
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit to help evaluate hazardous conditions associated...
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit to help evaluate hazardous conditions associated...
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit to help evaluate hazardous conditions associated...
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit to help evaluate hazardous conditions associated...
Use this module of CDC's Legionella Control toolkit for guidance on routine testing for Legionella o...