
Key points

  • Below are a number of terms, phrases, and definitions used in the Legionella Control Toolkit.
  • The Legionella Control Toolkit provides concise, actionable information on controlling Legionella in commonly implicated sources of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks.
An image of the glossary page of the Legionella Control Toolkit.

A through C

Aerosolized water

Small droplets of water in the air (generally, 5 microns in diameter or less) that can

  • Contain Legionella or other bacteria
  • Be inhaled deeply into the lungs


See Disinfectant


Germs and the slime they secrete that stick to and grow on any continually moist surface

Biofilm provides

  • A stable growth surface
  • An environment with nutrients for many germs, including Legionella

Building water systems

Includes hot- and cold-water distribution systems and all devices that use water to which people can be exposed, such as

  • Hot tubs
  • Decorative fountains
  • Cooling towers


To manage conditions within the building according to a water management program or to maintain established criteria

Control limits

Acceptable levels for the control measures being monitored to reduce risk for Legionella growth and spread

Can include:

  • Maximum value
  • Minimum value
  • Range of values

Control measures

Actions that enable maintenance of control limits

Actions that can be taken for building water systems to limit growth and spread of Legionella, such as

  • Heating
  • Adding disinfectant
  • Cleaning

Control points

Locations in water systems where a control measure can be applied

Corrective action

Actions taken to reestablish control when monitoring values or measurements are outside control limits

D through L

Dead legs

Piping subject to low or no flow because of design or decreased water use; for example, capped pipes or unused faucets


Chemical or physical treatment to kill germs

Examples include

  • Bromine compounds
  • Chlorine
  • Chlorine dioxide
  • Copper-silver ionization
  • Monochloramine
  • Ozone
  • Ultraviolet light

Disinfectant residual

Amount of disinfectant available in water to kill bacteria


Water mist or small droplets carried by air, which may include aerosols

Hazardous conditions

Any condition or factor that can contribute to the growth and spread of Legionella to a person if not controlled

Healthcare facility

Hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, or other settings where patients seek care, such as dental offices, pharmacies, or outpatient laboratories


Bacteria that can cause Legionnaires' disease

Legionnaires' disease

A serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) caused by Legionella

M through R

Make-up water

Water provided to a device to replace system water lost through evaporation, processing, or draining

Non-potable water

Water not intended for people to drink or ingest

Examples include water for

  • Industrial processes
  • Irrigation
  • Equipment (like cooling towers)

Non-routine Legionella testing

Testing for Legionella to investigate potential sources of environmental exposure for persons with disease

Note: Testing for public health investigations should always be performed in conjunction with the public health authority having jurisdiction

People at increased risk for Legionnaires' disease

Includes people 50 years or older, current or former smokers, and people with

  • A chronic lung disease (like emphysema)
  • A weak immune system due to illness or medicine
  • Cancer
  • Underlying illnesses
    • Diabetes
    • Kidney failure
    • Liver failure

Potable water

Hot or cold water intended for people to drink or ingest, such as for

  • Drinking
  • Bathing
  • Food preparation
  • Dishwashing


Response activities taken to eliminate colonization in response to

  • Control measures that persistently exceed control limits
  • Events that pose an immediate risk to control

Required whenever Legionnaires' disease occurs

May also be appropriate for unexpected events such as equipment failure or acts of nature that disrupt the water system


See Disinfectant residual

Routine Legionella testing

Testing for Legionella to

  • Establish a baseline measurement for performance indicators
  • Validate a water management program or corrective action

Methods and objectives vary from those of non-routine Legionella testing

S through Z

Sediment and scale

Mineral build-up in a water system that uses up disinfectant and supports growth or survival of bacteria


When water does not flow well

Areas of stagnation encourage

  • Biofilm growth
  • Ambient temperatures
  • Disinfectant residual reduction

Supplemental disinfection

Adding disinfectant to a water system on site

May require permitting for potable water systems


Activities to confirm the water management program is working as intended and is effective for Legionella control

Testing for Legionella is one method for validation of a water management program


Activities to confirm the water management program procedures are occurring as intended

Reviewing temperature logs to ensure temperature measurement occurred at the intended frequency is one verification method

Water age

Amount of time it takes for water to reach a point of use or fixture/device from the point of entry

Example: Slow moving water has a higher water age than water moving quickly through a building water system

Water management program (WMP)

Multistep process to reduce Legionella growth and spread that includes

  • Establishing a team
  • Describing building water systems
  • Identifying areas or devices with a Legionella risk
  • Determining and monitoring control measures
  • Establishing ways to intervene when control limits aren't met
  • Ensuring the program is running as designed and is effective
  • Documenting all program activities