Learn about how health services can prevent teen health risks.
Learn how school connectedness can help students to do well in school.
Learn how CDC helps reduce the prevalence of health risk behaviors among youth.
Learn the effects of risky sexual behaviors and how the What Works in Schools program lowers the risks.
Learn more
Restorative practices are evidence-based methods for schools to build safe and healthy communities.
Learn the effects of drug use on youth, and the steps schools or families can take to prevent drug use.
Teens Linked to Care addresses substance use and sexual risk among youth in rural communities.
Condom Availability Programs can help prevent HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancy among U.S. youth.
Use these CDC communication resources about youth behaviors and school connectedness.
This school-based approach promotes adolescent health and well-being.
Examine trend data on health behaviors and experiences among U.S. high school students.
CDC provides vital support for students in schools nationwide.