These options are supplementary to the core WIC checklist program. These do not replace the core model but will help WIC staff provide further education to WIC families.
Online education modules for WIC participants
Developmental milestones online nutrition education modules for WIC families are available in both English and Spanish on WIChealth.org, WIC-ed.com, and WICSmart. If your state uses one of these online education platforms, simply contact them to see a preview and add it to your course listings.
Course description
Good nutrition is important for the healthy development of a child's mind and body. We keep track of children's growth by checking their weight and height. We keep track of a child's development by looking for developmental milestones – how children play, learn, speak, act, and move for their age.
In this course, WIC families will learn about:
- Developmental milestones most children reach by a certain age
- How to keep track of your child's milestones and share this information with healthcare providers and teachers
- Tips to support your child's healthy development
Note for WIC families: If your child has a special medical condition, such as having a developmental delay or disability, they may be following their own developmental path with a different order and time than listed in this course. Talk with your child's healthcare providers, therapists, and teachers about what new skills your child will be working toward next.
WICShopper App – Child development content
The WICShopper app offers developmental milestone content for WIC families in the form of a button and banner. Any state that uses the WICShopper app can add the button or banner by contacting JPMA. When a WIC family clicks the button or banner they will be provided with information about:
- What developmental milestones are
- How to download CDC's FREE Milestone Tracker app
- What to do when there is a concern
- Positive parenting tips, and more
Introduction to Child Development for WIC Staff training
An "Introduction to Child Development for WIC Staff" training module for WIC staff is available for any WIC staff to complete. This is a 30- to 40-minute module that provides WIC staff with the basics of child development and how to encourage developmental monitoring with WIC participants.
The interactive training is available in English and Spanish.
Sample social media posts
ASPHN and CDC have developed sample social media posts specific for WIC. WIC programs can adapt any of these for use in their state. They are available on ASPHN's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." website. Access sample social media posts.