Welcome to Our Board & Committees


Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.”
~Albert Schweitzer



The Family Support Committee supports PHAs and their families during times of need, e.g., illness, disaster, death. Main activities are to send cards and other expressions of support during times of need. We also assure that a death announcement appears in CDC Connects, and for spouses and members the  Watsonian Society makes a charitable donation in their memory. We also send congratulations and a token of appreciation to PHA retirees. To find out how you can be involved in this committee, please contact Heidi Pfeiffer at CTK5@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Communications Committee is to evaluate, create, and implement effective methods for communicating with the membership; to recommend the types of communications, the contents, and the timing. It supports the development and distribution of the newsletter, management of the Listserv, Watsonian email, and updates to the website for content. To find out how you can be involved in this committee, please contact Veronica McCants at VRM0@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Social Events and Activities Committee is to develop and organize activities and special events bringing members, prospective members, friends, and families together. Main activities are to coordinate the annual meeting, social events, receptions, picnics, etc. Stay tuned for information on the next social event. To find out how you can be involved in this committee, please contact Jasmine Hulin at NFX6@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Membership Committee is to identify ways to recruit new members and retain and better serve the current membership. This group has been working with other CDC organizations to recruit new members to the Watsonian Society, as well as acting as a resource for PHAP fellows and future public health advisors. For more information on how you can get involved with the membership recruitment efforts, please contact Abel Assefa at YOX6@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Professional Development Committee is to develop methods and establish mechanisms to advance the professional skills of PHAs that will make the series and individuals more essential and more efficient in the changing world of public health. To get involved with this committee, please contact Beth Pallo at KQO9@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Community Service Committee is to coordinate community service projects that complement the mission of PHAs and CDC. In the past, the committee encouraged attendance at the local AIDS walk and community service events. Keep an eye out for the next community service event. For more information, please contact Lauren Lambert at LAL0@cdc.gov.


The mission of the Awards and Recognition Committee is to develop and maintain a mechanism to give recognition to an exceptional PHAs and an honorary PHA each year. The committee is also exploring ways to better promote future awards and inform members of nomination opportunities. If you have an idea on how to improve the nomination process or in participating in this committee, please email David Roberts directly at IRD8@cdc.gov.


The goal of the Field Staff Representative is to serve as a liaison for the field public health advisors in the      Watsonian Society. It supports networking and information exchange between field PHAs and headquarters. For more information, please contact Joy Ewell at JDE4@cdc.gov.


The Retiree Representative serves as a liaison for the public health advisors that have retired from the federal government. S/he supports networking and information exchange between retirees and PHAs across CDC. For more information, please contact Bob Kohmescher at bobk340@comcast.net.

Count me in

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