About Watsonian Society

What to know

The Watsonian Society was formed on October 1, 1985, as an organization to foster and continue professional and social relationships among public health program specialists; including public health advisors and analysts.

The Watsonian Society Logo

Our mission

The purpose of the society is to unite public health program specialists of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and its predecessor organizations, for the following objectives:

  • Contribute to the overall public health management excellence of CDC and ATSDR
  • Recognize, preserve, and advance among CDC and ATSDR public health program specialists the professional, personal, and social attributes that have distinguished the career of William C. Watson, Jr.
  • Encourage and maintain professional esprit de corps and general camaraderie among CDC and ATSDR public health program specialists.

For information about the Watsonian Society, contact Abel Assefa.