Eye Injury Prevention

Vision Care Services

What to know

The Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System (VEHSS) includes indicators of the use of eye protection from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

Man and young boy both wear eye protection while working with band saw

Participates in high eye-risk activities

The NHIS includes questions asking if a person engages in activities that could cause eye injury. Slightly different questions are included in the NHIS Adult module and Child module:



Question Text

Variable name(s)


Response options

NHIS – Adult module

Percentage of adults who participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury outside of work

Outside of work, do you participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury? This includes activities such as baseball, basketball, mowing the lawn, wood working, or working with chemicals.


Ages 18+

1 – Yes, 2 – No, 7 – Refused, 8 - Not ascertained, 9 – Don’t know

NHIS – Child Module

Percentage of children (ages 6-17) who participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury

Does [fill: SC name] participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury? This includes activities such as baseball, basketball, soccer and mowing the lawn.


Ages 6-17

1 – Yes, 2 – No, 7 – Refused, 8 - Not ascertained, 9 – Don’t know

Explore data in the VEHSS application‎

The data sources available for this category include NHIS Adult module and Child module.

Wears eye protection during eye-risk activities

If a respondent reports "yes" that they participate in an activity with a high risk of eye injury, they are asked how often they use eye protection when engaged in these activities. Slightly different questions are included in the NHIS Adult module and Child module:



Question Text

Variable name(s)


Response options

NHIS – Adult module

Proportion of adults who participate in activities which may cause injury that wear eye protection

When doing these activities, on average, do you wear eye protection always, most of the time, some of the time, or none of the time?


Ages 18+

1 - Always, 2 - Most of the time, 3 - Some of the time, 4 - None of the time, 7 - Refused, 8 - Not ascertained, 9 - Don’t know

NHIS – Child Module

Percentage of children (ages 6-17) who participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury that wear eye protection;

When doing these activities, on average, does [fill: he/she] wear eye protection always, most of the time, some of the time, or none of the time?;


Ages 6-17

1 - Always, 2 - Most of the time, 3 - Some of the time, 4 - None of the time, 7 - Refused, 8 - Not ascertained, 9 - Don’t know

Explore data in the VEHSS application‎

The data sources available for this category include NHIS Adult module and Child module.