Country reports
Expand AllOver 25 countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean are actively engaged in critical work to prevent violence against children and youth. Links to the latest country reports, which also include the survey questionnaires and supporting data, are included below. VACS data sets for many countries are made available for public use, as consistent with agreements with country partners. Access to public use datasets is coordinated through our partnership with Together for Girls. The Together for Girls Resource Bank also includes the latest reports and tools from the Together for Girls partnership.
Journal articles
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Critical Elements of Interviewer Training for Engaging Children and Adolescents in Global Violence Research: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Violence Against Children Survey
This white paper describes strategies for interviewer recruitment and training for population-based studies on violence with child research participants. These strategies help ensure the quality of the data while maintaining respondent safety and encouraging disclosure of violence.
Linking Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys to Coordinated and Effective Action: CDC and the Together for Girls Partnership
This report outlines the implementation steps, from the earliest stages in planning VACS and building stakeholder support to national programming using data to inform action.
The Power of Data to Action: Country experiences and lessons following Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys – Together For Girls
This report provides evidence that the VACS and the “Data to Action” model contributes to policy change to end violence.
INSPIRE: Guide to Adaptation and Scale Up
This guide serves as a resource on the adaptation and scale up of violence against children prevention programs to ensure that they are as much as possible aligned to existing evidence, and are part of each country’s national action plan.
INSPIRE Handbook: Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
The INSPIRE handbook: action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children explains in detail how to choose and implement interventions that will fit your needs and context.
INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework
The INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework is designed to help governments and non-governmental organizations monitor progress and track change over time as they implement INSPIRE strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children.
INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children identifies a select group of strategies that have shown success in reducing violence against children.
Massive Open Online Course on INSPIRE: 7 Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
This course provides information about forms of violence against children, how societal, community, and family-level factors affect violence, and how the evidence-based INSPIRE framework and strategies can help to end violence against children.
The Violence Prevention Information System (Violence Info)
This system collates published scientific information on the main types of interpersonal violence. It also describes what countries report about their actions to address violence.
WHO Guidelines on Parenting Interventions to Prevent Maltreatment and Enhance Parent-Child Relationships with Children Aged 0-17 Years
These guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations on parenting interventions for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-17 years that are designed to reduce child maltreatment and harsh parenting, enhance the parent-child relationship, and prevent poor parent mental health and child emotional and behavioral problems.