Immunization Gateway Information Sheet

Fast, Efficient, Accurate Data Sharing

The Immunization (IZ) Gateway is a data exchange hub that enables efficient data exchange between critical immunization information systems across the nation. CDC is collaborating with the Department of Health and Human Services to expand the IZ Gateway for data sharing. It has four primary components that jurisdictions can use to improve data flow, integration, sharing, and access.

Connect: National Provider Organizations to Multiple IISs


  • Enables large, national, and non-traditional vaccinators to report to multiple immunization information systems (IISs).
  • Ensures multiple IISs receive data from multijurisdictional provider organizations by providing a centralized data exchange connection.
  • Simplifies the onboarding and data sharing process for multijurisdictional provider organizations by eliminating the need for multiple individual, point-to-point IIS connections.


  • IISs have more complete and accurate immunization information.
  • Multijurisdictional providers can query IISs to obtain a patient’s full immunization history.
  • Onboarding services help provider organizations navigate local policy and technology variations per IIS jurisdiction.
  • Centralized onboarding services, quality assurance, and testing make it easier for both the provider and the IIS.

Share: Cross Jurisdictional IIS to IIS


  • Allows exchange of immunization information across IIS jurisdictions.
  • Automates sending information to an IIS for patients immunized outside of their jurisdiction.


  • More complete and accurate assessment of vaccination coverage is available per jurisdiction through data sharing of appropriate vaccination records.
  • There is an option to have a user interface generate a query to another IIS.

Access: Consumer Engagement with IIS through Digital Tools


  • Consumers can access immunization records and forecasts through easy-to-use digital tools.


  • Consumers can monitor and ensure vaccinations are up to date.
  • Consumers have convenient access to official immunization records for their needs such as school, travel, work, and doctor visits.
  • Consumers can receive updates and tailored notifications on upcoming and due or overdue vaccinations.
  • Decreases record request burden on IIS programs and providers.

Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange: Query Multiple Jurisdictions to Receive Consolidated Immunization Data


  • Allows providers to initiate a query for immunization information from multiple jurisdictions and receive a consolidated record.


  • Enables provider organizations to query multiple IISs that have signed the data sharing agreement for IZ Gateway Share.
  • Provides consolidated vaccine records from multiple states when needed.