Considerations for Planning Curbside/Drive-Through Vaccination Clinics

Considerations for Planning Curbside/Drive-Through Vaccination Clinics
Mass Clinic Guidance
woman with a giant pencil on her shoulder next to a marked checklist on a clipboard paper.

Guidance for assisting with jurisdictional planning and implementation of satellite, temporary, or off-site vaccination clinics by public and private vaccination organizations.

Because of COVID-19, there has been a decrease in non-urgent, face-to-face routine medical visits, including those for routine vaccinations. Unfortunately, postponing or canceling routine vaccinations for children and adults leaves these individuals vulnerable to becoming infected with vaccine-preventable diseases and increases the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks. One way to ensure that people continue to receive needed vaccines is to set up a curbside or drive-through vaccination clinic. Review the guidance below for key considerations in planning and executing a curbside or drive-through vaccination clinic for routine and COVID-19 vaccinations.