Survey Documents

Survey Documents

Learn about the surveys used to collect data about global tobacco use.

Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)

The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is the global standard to systematically monitor adult tobacco use and track key tobacco control indicators.

GATS is a nationally representative household survey of adults 15 years of age or older, using a standard protocol. It is intended to generate comparable data within and across countries. GATS enhances countries’ capacity to design, implement and evaluate tobacco control interventions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)

The GYTS is a school-based survey that collects data on students aged 13–15 years using a standardized methodology for constructing the sample frame, selecting schools and classes, and processing data.

The GYTS surveillance system is intended to enhance the capacity of countries to design, implement, and evaluate tobacco control and prevention programs. Funding for the GYTS has been provided by the Canadian Public Health Association, National Cancer Institute, United Nations Children Emergency Fund, and the World Health Organization—Tobacco Free Initiative.


  • Selection probability of the school
  • Selection probability of the class
  • Distribution of the population by grade and sex
  • Non-responding schools
  • Non-responding students
  • Non-responding classes