SUID and SDY Case Registry


The Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Death in the Young (SDY) Case Registry brings together information about the circumstances associated with SUID and SDY. Participating sites can use data about SUID and SDY trends and circumstances to develop strategies to prevent future deaths.


CDC's Division of Reproductive Health supports monitoring programs in 32 sites as part of the SUID and SDY Case Registry. The case registry covers about 2 in 5 SUID in the United States. It builds on child death review programs and uses the National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention's Case Reporting System.

The SUID and SDY Case Registry brings together information about the circumstances associated with SUID and SDY. The SUID component includes data on infants up to age 12 months, including health information about investigations into these deaths. CDC and the National Institutes of Health collaborate on SDY monitoring. The SDY component expands work of the Case Registry in 12 sites to also include data on children and adolescents. It includes additional data and information about enhanced investigations into SUID and SDY.

Ten participating sites were also funded to implement enhanced community-based SUID prevention activities. These sites use SUID and SDY Case Registry data and evidence-based recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

SUID and SDY Case Registry Activities

Participating sites conduct some or all of the following activities:

Monitor SUID and SDY trends and characteristics that may affect the risk of SUID. This information includes infant sleep position. Monitoring SUID and SDY rates is vital to identifying new risk factors and tracking progress toward reducing SUID and SDY.

Improve the quality and consistency of SUID and SDY investigation data. This activity helps standardize the process of determining cause of death. As a result, sites are able to more accurately monitor SUID and SDY rates and develop informed prevention activities.

Use data about SUID and SDY trends and characteristics to carry out actions to reduce future deaths. Examples of these activities include:

  • Educating parents and caregivers about safe sleep for babies.
  • Training hospital staff on safe sleep recommendations.
  • Supporting safe sleep recommendations in childcare centers.

Implement enhanced community-based SUID prevention activities that address specific community needs. Activities include:

  • Developing plans to address challenges to the implementation of safe sleep practices.
  • Using prevention strategies to reduce sleep-related infant deaths.