HIV Prevention

HIV Prevention

What are my prevention options?

Not having sex is a 100% effective method to prevent HIV from sex. If you are sexually active, consider the following prevention methods.

Do you know your HIV status?

Have up-front conversations about the importance of knowing your status so you can make the best decision to keep you and your partner healthy.

1 Get tested regularly! The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested, so make testing a part of your regular health care routine. Knowing your status empowers you to make the best decisions for your health.

2 Yes, everyone aged 13-64 should get tested at least once. Some groups at ongoing risk for getting HIV should be tested more often; at least once per year.

3 Communication is important, so be open and honest. Talk to your partner about getting tested and figure out which prevention options are best for you.

Where can I learn more?