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Seat belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in motor vehicle crashes. View publications about seat belt use and transportation safety.
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Nighttime seat belt use among front seat passengers: Does the driver's belt use matter?
This study explores the relationship between nighttime seat belt use of right-front passengers and their drivers in east Tennessee during March 2015–May 2017. Overall, nighttime passenger seat belt use averaged 86%. However, it varied from 92% when the drivers were wearing a seat belt to 42% when drivers were not wearing a seat belt. These results suggest that drivers might heavily influence their passengers’ seat belt status.
Journal articles
Shakya I, Shults RA, Stevens MR, Beck LF, Sleet DA. State-level seat belt use in the United States: Comparison of self-reported with observed use and use by fatally injured occupants. J Safety Res 2020;73:103-109.
Boakye KF, Shults RA, Everett JD. Nighttime seat belt use among front seat passengers: Does the driver's belt use matter? J Safety Res2019;70:13-17. DOI:10.1016/j.jsr.2019.04.004
Beck L, Kresnow M, Bergen G. Belief about seat belt use and seat belt wearing behavior among front and rear seat passengers in the United States. J Safety Res 2019;68:81-88. DOI: 10.1060/j.jsr.2018.12.007
Shults RA, Haegerich TM. Bhat G. Teens and seatbelt use: what makes them click? J Safety Res 2016;57:19–25; DOI:10.1016/j.jsr.2016.03.003
Bhat G, Beck L, Bergen G, Kresnow M. Predictors of rear seat belt use among US adults, 2012. J Safety Res 2015;53:103-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2015.03.011
Strine TW, Beck L, Bolen J, Okoro C, Li C. Potential moderating role of seat belt law on the relationship between seat belt use and adverse health behavior. Am J Health Behav 2012;36:44-55. DOI: 10.5993/ajhb.36.1.5
Ibrahimova I, Shults RA, Beck LF. Comparison of 2008 national and state-level self-reported and observed seatbelt use estimates. Inj Prev 2011;17:201-3. DOI: 10.1136/ip.2010.028597
Strine TW, Beck LF, Bolen J, Okoro C, Dhingra S, Balluz L. Geographic and sociodemographic variation in self-reported seat belt use in the United States. Acc Anal Prev 2010;42:1066-1071. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.12.014
Dinh-Zarr, TB, Sleet, DA, Shults, RA, Zaza, S, Elder, RW, Nichols, JL, et al. (2001). Reviews of evidence regarding interventions to increase the use of safety belts. Am J Prev Med, 2001;21(Suppl 4):48−65. DOI: 10.1016/s0749-3797(01)00378-6
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
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Vital Signs: Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention — United States and 19 Comparison Countries
Vital Signs: Seat Belt Use Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers — United States, 2010