Missouri Funding

What to know

CDC provides funding and technical assistance to build public health preparedness and response capabilities nationwide. Learn more about PHEP funding for Missouri.

At a Glance

  • State Population: 6,177,957
  • Local Health Departments: 114
  • Frequent Public Health Emergencies: Tornadoes, Flooding, Fires
  • Key Emergency Operations Center Activations: 2020 – COVID-19 Pandemic
  • CDC PHEP Funding:
    • FY 2023: $11,168,375
    • FY 2022: $11,383,901
    • FY 2021: $11,007,602
  • Public Health Crisis Response Funding:
    • COVID-19 2021 Funding: $36,895,449
    • COVID-19 2020 Funding: $13,749,947

PHEP-Funded Staff (rounded)

  • 195 PHEP-funded staff (rounded)

Includes epidemiologists, laboratorians, nurses, planners, IT specialists, administrative staff, statisticians, and other positions.

Top 5 Preparedness Investments

  1. Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigation
  2. Medical Countermeasure Dispensing
  3. Public Health Laboratory Testing
  4. Emergency Operations Coordination
  5. Community Preparedness

Additional Information