National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Geocodes

NHANES Geocodes

All geography below the national level is restricted for continuous NHANES, prior to that all geography below the regional level is restricted.

Lower level geographic variables are only available for adding contextual variables to NHANES.

NHANES 1999-2018 Geographical Data, Census 2010  (GEO_2010 1999-2018)

NHANES III Geographical Data, Census 2000 (N3GE2000 1988-1994)

NHANES III Geographical Data, Census 2010 (N3GE2010 1988-1994)

NNYFS 2012 Geographical Data, Census 2000 (NYGE2000 2012)

NNYFS 2012 Geographical Data, Census 2010 (NYGE2010 2012)