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The Occupational Health and Safety of Sign Language Interpreters Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Figure 1.

Adjusted mean (SEM) scores on the outcomes for physical health across interpreting settings, including the Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (QuickDASH), the optional work module on the QuickDASH (DASHWork), and Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). Abbreviation: SEM, standard error of the mean.

Figure 1. Adjusted mean (SEM) scores on the outcomes for physical health across interpreting settings, including the Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (QuickDASH), the optional work module on the QuickDASH (DASHWork), and Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). Abbreviation: SEM, standard error of the mean.
Interpreting setting QuickDASH DASHWork NPRS
Mean Score (SEM)
Staff 7.8 (2.28) 9.1 (3.64) 2.97 (0.68)
Educational 19.66 (4.28) 14.56 (4.5) 3.72 (0.65)
Community/freelance 19.12 (5.36) 14.58 (5.82) 4.17 (0.92)
Video remote 14.19 (2.52) 10.24 (2.62) 3.87 (0.54)
Video relay 12.37 (1.95) 8.52 (1.72) 3.05 (0.39)
χ24 [P value] 8.614 [.07] 3.948 [.41] 2.959 [.57]

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Figure 2.

Adjusted mean (SEM) scores on the outcomes for mental health across interpreting settings (mean ± SEM), including the overall Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the DASS-21 depression, anxiety, and stress subscales. Abbreviation: SEM, standard error of the mean.

Figure 2. Adjusted mean (SEM) scores on the outcomes for mental health across interpreting settings (mean ± SEM), including the overall Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the DASS-21 depression, anxiety, and stress subscales. Abbreviation: SEM, standard error of the mean.
Interpreting setting Overall Depression Anxiety Stress
Mean score (SEM)
Staff 18.59 (4.19) 5.48 (1.72) 4.26 (1.13) 8.78 (2.07)
Educational 26.74 (4.63) 9.33 (2.12) 6.02 (1.19) 11.00 (1.99)
Community/freelance 15.99 (3.70) 4.36 (1.45) 3.29 (0.96) 8.39 (2.01)
Video remote 22.19 (3.11) 6.02 (1.16) 4.83 (0.80) 11.34 (1.64)
Video relay 15.65 (1.98) 4.16 (0.76) 3.29 (0.52) 8.27 (1.09)
χ24 [P value] 8.072 [.09] 8.407 [.08] 7.231 [.12] 3.681 [.45]

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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.