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For Peer Reviewers

For Peer Reviewers

Updated January 7, 2025

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) welcomes public health professionals with expertise in chronic disease prevention and health promotion to serve as peer reviewers. All manuscripts published by PCD undergo rigorous evaluation by at least two peer reviewers, an Associate Editor, and the Editor in Chief. Our peer reviewers assess manuscripts for importance, originality, clarity, validity, adequacy of methods, and provide detailed comment on these and other qualities. Please read all pages of this section for more information on PCD’s peer review process.

Thank you, 2024 PCD Peer Reviewers

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) recognizes the enormous contribution that peer reviewers make to the success of the journal and the scientific enterprise as a whole. Our reviewers represent a broad spectrum of public health specialties with expertise in virtually every area of research and practice. We extend our sincere thanks to all of our peer reviewer consultants for their insightful critiques, thoughtful recommendations, and valuable assistance in contributing to the scientific quality and the integrity of articles published in PCD.

See the full list of 2024 PCD Peer Reviewers



Badge Top 5 Percent
Lucas, Jennifer
Parekh, Tarang (PCD Associate Editor)
Akintunde, Bayo
Burns, Ryan D
Carpenter, Matthew
Chu, Yue
Eldeirawi, Kamal
Joiner, Kevin
Lundeen, Elizabeth A
Michaud, Tzeyu
Pett, Ryan G
Robles, Brenda
Bensken, Wyatt
Chattopadhyay, Sajal (PCD Associate Editor)
Chrisinger, Benjamin (PCD Associate Editor)
Jacob, Alycia
Judelsohn, Alexandra
Stupplebeen, David A
Webber, Bryant J


Abdelbary, B
Abildso, C
Abu Shaha, M
Agu, N
Akers, M
Akintunde, B
Aksoy, H
Alagan, R
Albin, JL
Ali, T
Allen, J
Alpern, J
Altıparmak, Y
Anderson, DM
Anderson, M
Andrews, M
Anindya, K
Anthopolos, R
Antonakos, C
Appiah, E
Arcoleo, K
Arem, H
Armstrong-Brown, J
Avenetti, D
Babu, BVV
Bacong, AM
Bae, SW
Bakshi, A
Baldissera, S
Barragan, N
Barrett, R
Barrington, D
Baskaradoss, JK
Basu, S
Bauermeister, T
Beese, S
Benham, G
Benjamin-Robinson, E
Benjamin-Robinson, N
Bensken, W
Bermudez, Y
Bernard, S
Berrocal, V
Bertrand, A
Bevel, M
Bilder, DA
Bishu, KG
Bolin, J
Bowser, J
Brady, P
Branley, C
Brian, M
Brian, Z
Brissette, I
Brokaw, S
Brownson, C
Bulka, C
Burns, RD
Bustos, T
Butt, ZA
Byrd, TL
Canizares, M
Cantu, A
Carpenter, M
Carrel, M
Carris, NW
Carter-Nolan, P
Castellon, Y
Chattopadhyay, S
Chen, D-R
Chen, H-Y
Chen, Z
Cheng, Q
Cho, P
Chriqui, J
Chrisinger, B
Christian, J
Chu, Y
Chukwuemeka, U
Claxton, J
Clements, J
Clouston, S
Conderino, S
Conrey, E
Cooper, L
Cornelius, M
Coronado, F
Course, C
Crowley, J
Cummings, KM
Dale, Z
Das, S
de Castro, BR
Dearing, J
Desjardins, M
Dey, D
DiPietro Mager, N
Dwyer-Lindgren, L
Eberth, JM
Echeverria, S
Eldeirawi, K
Enes, CC
Engel, K
Fabiyi, C
Fang, J
Faustino-Silva, DD
Fei, K
Fernandes, J
Filauri, E
Formagini, T
Fulmer, E
Furman, L
Gangrade, V
Garber, M
Garduño-Alanis, A
Gates, M
Gebrekristos, H
Gentzke, A
Gil Arana, A
Glasgow, L
Gloppen, K
Gong, X
Guillot-Wright, S
Gupta, A
Gusovsky, A
Haboush-Deloye, A
Haiman, M
Hajiseyed Javadi, M
Hall, J
Handley, S
Harry, M
Harvey, S
Hass, R
Hassani, M
Havlik, A
He, S
Henderson, K
Henderson, V
Henkin, S
Henriksen, L
Henry Akintobi, T
Hernandez, N
Hicks, P
Hohman, K
Hoke, K
Holick, M
Howe, C
Howerton, I
Huang, Y-M
Hughes, A
Hung, P
Huston, S
Hwang, AY
Hyde, E
Jackson, R
Jacob, A
Jacobs, J
Jakeman, B
Jarpe-Ratner, E
Jasumback, C
Jester, D
Jewett, S
Ji, M
Jiang, N
Jin, D
Johnson, C
Joiner, K
Judelsohn, A
Kahn, KL
Kang, J-Y
Kaplan, B
Kataoka-Yahiro, M
Kaufmann, R
Keku, E
Kelleher, KJ
Keller, K
Khanal, G
Khoury, S
Kim, J
Kim, S
Ko, Y-A
Krakow, M
Kumar, A
Kuo, T
Lal, A
Lall, D
Lally, A
Langford, A
Lee, D
Leeman, J
Li, L
Lipsky, L
List, J
Liu, X
Lobelo, F
Long, M
Lord, J
Lowery, B
Lucas, J
Lundeen, EA
Luo, H
Ma, Z-Q
Maack, B
Maafs, A
Mahajan, S
Male, V
Malik, A
Mamudu, L
Mao, B
Martin, M
Mateus, C
McElroy, J
McInerney, M
McIntire, R
McLaughlin, S
Medina, HN
Melvin, S
Mennis, J
Merchant, A
Metlock, F
Michaud, T
Michener, JL
Miller, A
Miller, G
Moin, T
Molokwu, JC
Monsour, MJ
Moore Freeman, L
Moro, E
Moss, ME
Muraro, AP
Murillo, R
Murray, C
Nathanson, B
Nguyen, D
Nunna, K
Onufrak, S
Osman, B
Pacek, L
Parekh, T
Park, S
Parry, E
Pate, RR
Patterson, K
Peacock, J
Pereira Andrade, AL
Perlman, S
Petersen, C
Pett, RG
Pfeiffer, D
Phillips II, G
Pooler-Burgess, M
Praena-Crespo, M
Presley, C
Prestby, T
Pullyblank, K
Qin, J
Quick, H
Rao, A
Rees-Punia, E
Rehkamp, S
Reyes-Ortiz, C
Richards, D
Ridberg, R
Riedy Murphy, C
Riley, C
Ritchie, N
Rivera, M
Roberts, M
Robles, B
Rochlin, I
Rodis, J
Rodriguez de Bittner, M
Rodu, J
Rogers, J
Rohan, E
Rosen, D
Rosen, M
Roth, S
Rotunda, W
Ruiz, S
Saiki, K
Saint-Jacques, N
Salerno, J
Sami, M
Samuel, L
Sanders Thompson, V
Sastre, L
Schroeder, S
Schroth, RJ
Scott, K
Scott, L
Sekhon, VK
Sells, M
Sengul, C
Shafer, P
Shamsi, A
Shannon, J
Silberberg, M
Smith, C
Smith, D
Smith, L
Smith, T
Snelling, A
Soltero, EG
Sotnikov, S
Sposito, LAC
Srinivas, PN
Sterling, S
Stewart, J
Stluka, S
Stolp, H
Stoutenberg, M
Street, N
Stroope, J
Stupplebeen, DA
Styles, E
Swayne, M
Swider, S
Switzer, S
Tamura, K
Tao, M-H
Tetteh-Bator, E
Teutsch, S
Thompson, EL
Thrift, A
Townsend, J
Tribby, CP
Trogdon, JG
Tsou, M-H
Tu, J
Tuff, R
Turbow, S
Uelman, J
Vanderpool, R
Vashist, K
Vatcheva, K
Vinturache, A
Voorhees, H
Wallace, H
Wang, C
Wang, I
Wang, L
Ward, B
Warnock, A
Watson, W
Webber, BJ
Wei, F
Welter, C
Weng, X
Werner, B
Williams, SG
Wilson, DA
Wilson, S
Winata, F
Womack, LS
Wong, WK
Woods, M
Wray, A
Wu, X
Wu, C-H
Wyatt, L
Yada, F
Yang, Y
Zahnd, W
Zhan, F
Zhang, C
Zhang, Q
Zhang, Y
Zhao, M
Zheng, C
Zimmermann, K

The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.