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Validation of the Prevention Impacts Simulation Model (PRISM)


This figure provides an overview of the model structure including the relationship between intervention strategies, risk factors, and outcomes.

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Figure 1.

Diagram of the PRISM model. Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; PRISM, Prevention Impacts Simulation Model.

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Figure 2.

Results of 1-way sensitivity analysis of PRISM parameters that affected the impact of PRISM strategies on preventing cardiovascular deaths by more than ±0.5% compared with the estimated deaths averted from the base run (n = 15,672,020). Abbreviation: CVD, cardiovascular disease. (Minimum and maximum values used in 1-way sensitivity analysis are available upon request.)

Results of 1-way sensitivity analysis of PRISM parameters that affected the impact of PRISM strategies on preventing cardiovascular deaths by more than ±0.5% compared with the estimated deaths averted from the base run (n = 15,672,020). Abbreviation: CVD, cardiovascular disease. (Minimum and maximum values used in 1-way sensitivity analysis are available upon request.)
Analysis Cumulative CVD Deaths Averted (2018–2040)
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Multiplier for fruit/vegetable–poor diet from access 15,592,960 15,975,310
Onset-reducing effect of clinically controlling prediabetes 15,633,170 15,763,020
Multiplier on smoking quits from maximum marketing restriction 15,540,520 15,725,640
Multiplier on smoking quits from maximum countermarketing 15,540,520 15,725,640
Relative cardiovascular event fatality if distressed 15,556,430 15,797,190
Onset-reducing effect of controlling borderline blood pressure 15,648,570 15,941,810
Mitigating effect of quality CVD care for cardiovascular event risk 15,489,010 15,859,030
Cardiovascular relative risk if fruit/vegetable–poor diet 15,592,960 15,975,310
Relative cardiovascular events directly due to 2005 trans fat fraction 15,426,820 15,969,070
Effect of quality acute and rehabilitation care on cardiovascular event fatality 14,959,130 16,136,860

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