Tapping Into Multiple Data “Springs” to Strengthen Policy Streams: A Guide to the Types of Data Needed to Formulate Local Retail Tobacco Control Policy
TOOLS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE — Volume 16 — April 4, 2019
The figure describes the 7 data springs that contribute to 3 policy streams. Three data springs, epidemiologic and surveillance data, macro retail environment, and micro retail environment, relate to the first policy stream, the problem stream: identify a clear problem. Three data springs, the current policy context, local legal context, and the potential for public health impact, relate to the second policy stream: offer specific policy solutions. Finally, data spring 7, political will, relates to the third policy stream, the politics stream: build community support. The 3 policy streams, with data from the 7 data springs, contribute to a policy window of opportunity and ultimately to policy change.
A conceptual framework indicating data springs and policy streams that merge to create policy change.
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