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Cigarette Consumption and Cigarette Smoking Prevalence Among Adults in Kansas

Figure 1. Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults in Kansas, 1999–2010. The prevalence decreased significantly among men (P = .003) but not among women (P = .055). Source of data: Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Year Men, % Women, %
1999 24.3 18.0
2000 24.2 18.1
2001 22.5 22.0
2002 23.3 21.0
2003 21.1 19.8
2004 22.1 17.6
2005 18.9 16.8
2006 22.2 18.0
2007 18.6 17.1
2008 19.8 16.1
2009 18.6 17.1
2010 21.1 17.7


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Figure 2. Prevalence of cigarette smoking every day among adults in Kansas, 1999–2010. The decline in smoking rates was significant among men (P = .001) and women (P < .001). Source of data: Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Year Men, % Women, %
1999 20.7 15.6
2000 19.1 14.7
2001 19.1 14.7
2002 18.5 16.7
2003 16.5 16.1
2004 16.8 13.8
2005 14.5 12.8
2006 16.4 14.0
2007 14.2 13.2
2008 14.5 12.0
2009 13.6 12.9
2010 12.4 11.5

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Figure 3. Prevalence of cigarette smoking on some days among adults in Kansas, 1999–2010. The increase was significant among women (P = .003) but not among men (P = .06). Source of data: Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Year Men, % Women, %
1999 3.6 2.4
2000 5.0 3.4
2001 5.0 3.4
2002 4.8 4.3
2003 4.6 3.6
2004 5.3 3.8
2005 4.4 4.0
2006 5.7 4.0
2007 4.4 3.9
2008 5.3 4.1
2009 5.0 4.3
2010 5.8 4.3



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