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Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, Massachusetts, 2011–2013


The figure is a flowchart describing the total Boston properties identified (N = 115); 48 properties declined to participate. At baseline, authors visited 67 properties. Of these, 39 had no beverage access points, and 28 had a total of 45 access points. At follow-up, 7 properties representing 4 access points had closed, and authors visited the remaining 60 properties to collect data. Four properties had removed 10 access points (vending machines). Of the 60 remaining properties, 38 had no access points, and 22 had a total of 31 access points (27 vending machines and 4 cafés or cafeterias).

Figure. Boston city properties that participated in the evaluation of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order, 2011–2013.

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