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Engaging Communities in Preventing Human Papillomavirus-Related Cancers: Two Boot Camp Translations, Colorado, 2017–2018


Four boxes are shown to indicate the stages of the boot camp translation process. Activities are listed under each month in which the stage began. The first stage is titled Kick-off. The heading is April 2017. The list begins with Expert presentation on HPV and vaccination. The second item is Initial brainstorming to answer the following: What do we want people to learn, Who should learn this, and How should we communicate this message? The last item in the list is One conference call after 2 weeks to report opinions of friends and family. In Person is the title above the second box. The heading is June 2017. The list begins with Final target groups are parents of young adolescents and young adults who can get vaccinated on their own. The next item is Final strategy is social media and some printed materials. The third item is Conduct conference calls and send mails to hone messages. Under the third box are the words “In person.” The heading is August 2017. The list begins with Final messages are “Don’t let ‘we’ll wait’ become too late,” and “Adulting is hard; cancer prevention is not.” The second item is Group wanted images showing people who looked like they could live in Mesa County, engaged in everyday activities, linking to more information. The last item is Several phone conversations working with graphic designer and determining final images. The fourth and final box is titled Final Meeting. The heading reads April 2018. The first item Celebration of completion. The second item says Budget allowed for bus shelter posters displayed in fall of 2018. The final item is Postcards given to several primary care practices to share with patients.

Figure 1.

Boot Camp Translation activities timeline in Mesa County, Colorado, 2017–2018. Abbreviation: HPV, human papillomavirus.

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A young woman is shown sitting in a library or classroom with her chin resting on her hand. She gazes away and off to the side. Text above the image reads “Adulting is Hard; Cancer Prevention is Not.” Under the image, are the words, “HPV Causes Cancer: Oral, Penile, Anal, Cervical and Vaginal.” At the bottom of the page, text is “Get Vaccinated.”

Figure 2.
Boot Camp Translation product example for young adults in Mesa County, Colorado.

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Images of 3 preteens and teenagers engaged in various activities with a message incorporated into each image. Messages are HPV prevention is simple, HPV-related cancers are on the rise! and One HPV vaccine series protects boys and girls for a lifetime. It is best given at ages 9–13. Near the bottom of the page is the text, “Ask Your Child’s Health Care Provider for the Vaccine!” Underneath that text is the last message, “For more information, visit www dot HPVFreeCO dot org.”

Figure 3.
Boot Camp Translation product example for preteens in Metropolitan Denver, Colorado.

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