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Trends in Unit Sales of Flavored and Menthol Electronic Cigarettes in the United States, 2012–2016


Figure 1.
Total units of e-cigarette sales (in millions), by flavoring type, United States, 2012–2016. Data are reported in 4-week aggregates, with aggregates ending on the dates indicated. Data source: The Nielsen Company.

Year/End Date of 4 Weeks of Aggregated Data Flavored Menthol Regular
2/11 0.023218 0.627003 0.917202296
3/10 0.029810 0.691038 1.004283618
4/7 0.028174 0.702246 1.018259326
5/5 0.032600 0.747519 1.042826642
6/2 0.033373 0.757946 1.079374672
6/30 0.034618 0.759271 1.041052311
7/28 0.036663 0.730313 1.025010005
8/25 0.040191 0.784254 1.076528601
9/22 0.051799 0.820971 1.173341683
10/20 0.069790 0.845008 1.24610567
11/17 0.082711 0.923271 1.370236679
12/15 0.095081 0.999271 1.545142714
1/12/2013 0.124093 1.320573 2.093429212
2/9 0.140559 1.473389 2.391570495
3/9 0.179646 1.662699 2.687320888
4/6 0.188698 1.794275 2.895699906
5/4 0.187322 1.832041 2.926362636
6/1 0.201662 1.855797 2.953385640
6/29 0.218099 1.950232 3.056014268
7/27 0.227526 2.005116 3.038235142
8/24 0.263420 2.027189 2.950871305
9/21 0.274263 1.925129 2.896626087
10/19 0.278323 1.837122 2.793897979
11/16 0.293841 1.781790 2.762040859
12/14 0.291359 1.714566 2.752742571
1/11 0.312321 1.952568 3.079075464
2/8 0.293349 2.083041 3.442486783
3/8 0.336298 2.056144 3.307353690
4/5 0.310120 1.865806 2.971462223
5/3 0.290458 1.575655 2.549008086
5/31 0.288519 1.456991 2.368614392
6/28 0.273506 1.563459 2.361264443
7/26 0.358427 1.679382 2.402648834
8/23 0.491512 1.675955 2.378292658
9/20 0.568431 1.921186 2.685060207
10/18 0.640599 2.227296 3.182321125
11/15 0.680826 1.939113 2.811662204
12/13 0.647783 1.750016 2.572831207
1/10/2015 0.694899 1.902111 2.687018836
2/7 0.670059 1.654252 2.461748398
3/7 0.685748 1.758624 2.603786971
4/4 0.688567 1.733114 2.550768811
5/2 0.650289 1.714433 2.566036646
5/30 0.634152 1.652124 2.434724847
6/27 0.602143 1.556255 2.268506025
7/25 0.619875 1.570013 2.228358228
8/22 0.603490 1.542535 2.207593838
9/19 0.576550 1.519386 2.116696347
10/17 0.685608 1.494048 2.041021508
11/14 0.815051 1.524683 1.977724943
12/12 0.836162 1.581678 2.038924235
1/9/2016 0.890760 1.601680 2.072417962
2/6 0.923495 1.564532 1.999259463
3/5 0.940893 1.630360 2.086987273
4/2 0.916145 1.631938 2.025089904
4/30 0.928321 1.726583 2.095914468
5/28 0.953164 1.862395 2.288982348
6/25 0.951490 1.786446 2.187446171
7/23 0.948608 1.829414 2.185020535
8/20 0.967632 1.907034 2.234566395
9/17 1.032938 1.953210 2.233575448
10/15 1.056684 1.940104 2.265064284
11/12 1.037423 1.947240 2.232956149
12/10 1.015580 1.906919 2.161599276
1/7/2017 1.044052 1.894045 2.108576583

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Figure 2.
Unit sales of flavored and menthol products as a percentage of sales for each of 4 types of e-cigarette products (rechargeables, disposables, prefilled cartridges, and e-liquids) and all e-cigarettes, United States, 2012–2016. Data are reported in 4-week aggregates, with aggregates ending on the dates indicated. Flavored and menthol e-liquids sales began at the 4-week period ending May 4, 2013. Data source: The Nielsen Company.

Year/End Date Percentage Flavored Percentage Menthol
All E-Cigarettes Rechargeables Disposables E-liquids Cartridge Refills All E-Cigarettes Rechargeables Disposables E-liquids Cartridge Refills Combustible Cigarettes
2/11 1.5 0 0 3.9 40.0 36.2 36.6 46.0 30.8
3/10 1.7 0 0.1 4.7 40.1 37.1 36.7 45.8 31.0
4/7 1.6 0 0.1 4.4 40.2 37.2 36.2 46.9 31.1
5/5 1.8 0 0.2 4.9 41.0 38.5 37.5 47.2 30.9
6/2 1.8 0 0.1 5.0 40.5 36.9 36.8 47.4 30.9
6/30 1.9 0 0.2 5.3 41.4 37.1 37.2 49.7 30.9
7/28 2.0 0 0.5 5.5 40.8 37.3 37.2 48.0 31.2
8/25 2.1 0 0.7 5.4 41.3 39.6 38.2 46.9 31.2
9/22 2.5 0 1.5 5.2 40.1 39.5 36.2 46.1 31.2
10/20 3.2 0 2.8 5.2 39.1 38.8 35.4 44.9 31.2
11/17 3.5 0 2.8 6.0 38.9 39.4 34.9 45.0 30.9
12/15 3.6 0 2.4 7.4 37.9 38.2 35.1 43.2 31.1
1/12 3.5 0 1.9 10.4 37.3 36.7 35.9 42.2 31.5
2/9 3.5 0 1.6 12.5 36.8 34.5 35.6 42.6 30.7
3/9 4.0 0 1.8 15.0 36.7 32.7 36.1 41.3 31.0
4/6 3.9 0 1.8 14.3 36.8 35.8 36.0 40.4 31.1
5/4 3.8 0 1.6 10.0 14.3 37.0 34.1 36.6 60.0 39.8 31.8
6/1 4.0 0 1.9 26.9 13.9 37.0 33.3 36.5 42.3 40.3 31.8
6/29 4.2 0 2.1 27.6 13.7 37.3 34.4 36.6 44.8 41.0 31.9
7/27 4.3 0 2.3 5.2 13.5 38.0 45.8 36.7 91.9 40.7 32.0
8/24 5.0 0 2.7 7.8 15.0 38.7 61.3 36.5 91.4 39.7 32.1
9/21 5.4 0 3.3 4.3 14.3 37.8 63.1 35.4 63.6 39.1 32.0
10/19 5.7 0 3.7 60.6 13.8 37.4 61.6 34.9 32.0 39.3 32.2
11/16 6.1 0 4.3 66.6 13.3 36.8 60.7 34.4 19.8 39.1 32.3
12/14 6.1 0 4.3 56.7 12.8 36.0 59.8 33.5 18.4 38.7 32.4
1/11 5.8 0 3.9 68.5 13.3 36.5 62.9 34.1 13.4 38.2 32.5
2/8 5.0 0 2.9 60.4 13.0 35.8 60.3 33.8 13.0 37.8 31.9
3/8 5.9 0 3.7 54.3 13.2 36.1 60.2 34.1 13.6 37.7 32.3
4/5 6.0 0 3.8 52.2 12.3 36.2 58.1 34.3 16.5 37.9 32.1
5/3 6.6 0 4.0 55.2 11.7 35.7 53.2 33.7 19.7 38.4 32.0
5/31 7.0 0 4.2 52.0 11.9 35.4 51.3 33.6 19.4 38.5 32.1
6/28 6.5 0 4.4 53.1 9.9 37.2 58.9 33.4 19.7 39.7 32.2
7/26 8.1 0 8.1 47.6 8.6 37.8 60.0 31.7 19.3 40.5 32.3
8/23 10.8 0 13.2 52.9 7.3 36.9 57.5 30.3 19.2 40.7 32.6
9/20 11.0 0 15.2 57.2 6.1 37.1 48.9 30.5 18.3 41.5 32.6
10/18 10.6 0 17.3 57.5 4.6 36.8 46.0 29.3 18.9 41.1 32.7
11/15 12.5 0 18.7 57.5 5.3 35.7 46.6 28.6 18.6 41.0 32.7
12/13 13.0 0 19.0 57.8 4.1 35.2 46.7 28.4 19.4 41.2 32.7
1/10/2015 13.2 0 18.8 59.3 4.5 36.0 47.2 29.9 18.5 41.3 33.0
2/7 14.0 0 20.1 58.7 4.5 34.6 44.0 27.5 19.4 41.1 32.3
3/7 13.6 0 20.4 59.8 4.0 34.8 43.1 27.6 19.3 41.2 32.4
4/4 13.8 0 20.3 61.5 4.2 34.9 42.3 27.3 19.2 41.9 32.5
5/2 13.2 0 20.2 59.6 4.4 34.8 39.9 26.8 20.8 42.1 32.4
5/30 13.4 0 20.6 59.7 4.7 35.0 41.1 26.6 20.6 42.3 32.6
6/27 13.6 0 20.5 58.8 4.7 35.2 40.7 27.5 21.3 42.2 32.8
7/25 14.0 0 20.9 59.0 4.8 35.5 41.4 28.6 20.2 42.2 32.7
8/22 13.9 0 20.1 58.5 4.7 35.4 39.5 29.1 20.4 42.3 33.0
9/19 13.7 0 20.4 59.1 4.5 36.1 37.7 29.7 21.4 42.9 32.8
10/17 16.2 0 20.3 58.3 11.2 35.4 38.6 29.2 22.0 41.1 33.0
11/14 18.9 0 22.5 59.4 15.9 35.3 41.2 28.4 20.1 40.4 32.8
12/12 18.8 0 22.5 57.0 16.6 35.5 41.2 28.1 21.2 40.3 32.8
1/9/2016 19.5 0 23.7 58.9 17.2 35.1 40.8 28.0 19.1 40.0 33.0
2/6 20.6 0 25.3 57.1 17.7 34.9 39.7 28.0 20.0 40.2 32.7
3/5 20.2 0 25.5 56.7 17.4 35.0 38.7 28.7 20.1 40.2 33.0
4/2 20.0 0 25.9 56.7 17.4 35.7 41.0 28.8 20.0 40.6 33.1
4/30 19.5 0 26.8 55.9 17.0 36.3 42.3 28.5 20.7 41.2 33.2
5/28 18.7 0 28.2 55.5 16.8 36.5 41.9 28.1 20.4 41.0 33.3
6/25 19.3 0.1 28.9 55.7 17.0 36.3 42.4 27.3 20.1 41.1 33.3
7/23 19.1 0 28.8 53.1 17.2 36.9 44.4 27.2 20.5 41.4 33.6
8/20 18.9 0 27.3 54.6 17.3 37.3 44.4 28.0 20.9 41.9 33.5
9/17 19.8 0 29.1 56.0 18.2 37.4 45.4 28.0 19.7 41.5 33.5
10/15 20.1 0 30.5 59.0 18.0 36.9 46.1 26.5 18.4 41.0 33.8
11/12 19.9 0.1 30.2 60.1 17.8 37.3 45.2 27.0 18.2 41.4 33.6
12/10 20.0 0.1 29.9 59.9 18.2 37.5 44.2 27.3 18.4 41.9 33.6
1/7/2017 20.7 0.1 31.2 59.3 19.2 37.5 46.3 27.2 19.6 41.0 33.0

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